友好的英文 友好用英語怎麼說?
friendly adj.友好的;親切的;有利的;友軍的;可用的;適用的;關係和睦(或友好)的;不傷感情的;友誼的;適合…的
amicable adj.友好的;和睦的
常用 權威
1. 友好邀請賽
friendship invitational tournament
2. 友好使者
messenger of friendship;goodwill envoy; messenger of friendship
3. 友好情誼
4. 表示友好
offer friendship; feel goodwill towards
5. 友好協會
friendship association
6. 極其友好
be friendly in the extreme
7. 友好人士
friendly personages;friendly personage
8. 使用者友好
9. 友好大使
goodwill ambassador
10. 友好條約
friendship treaty
11. 友好往來
friendly contacts/exchanges
12. 友好代表團
goodwill mission; friendship delegation
13. 生前友好
friends of the deceased
14. 態度友好
have a friendly attitude
15. 關係友好
be on friendly terms with
16. 友好國家
friendly country
17. 友好訪問
friendly visit
18. 友好城市
cities of friendship; twin cities; sister cities
19. 友好關係
amity; friendly relations
20. 睦鄰友好關係
good-neighbourly and friendly relations
1. 他們說我們冷漠、矜持、不友好。
They say we're cold, reserved, unfriendly.
2. 眼神交流可以是友好的社交訊號。
Eye contact can be a friendly social signal.
3. 你臉上的微笑表明你很高興或友好。
A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.
4. 我們的教練很友好,樂於助人。
Our coach is friendly and helpful.
5. 邁克不明白為什麼他對他那麼不友好。
Mike couldn't understand why he was so unkind to him.
6. 他很不開心,再也不友好了。
He was very unhappy and never as friendly again.
7. 因為它們持久且對學生友好。
Because they are lasting and student-friendly.
8. 坐在Tina旁邊的女孩們對她不友好。
The girls sitting near Tina were unfriendly to her.
9. 他看到1000只不友好的狗盯著他看。
He saw 1,000 unfriendly dogs staring at him.
10. 購買者認為此功能增加了汽車的友好性。
The purchasers saw this feature as increasing a car's friendliness.
友好(yǒu hǎo),漢語詞語,意思是友誼;親近和睦;也指朋友。語出《後漢書·崔瑗傳》:“(崔瑗)與扶風馬融、南陽張衡特相友好。”
友好掌握全球空氣淨化技術,從事空氣淨化技術研發、產品設計製造,提供全方位室內空氣汙染解決方案。憑藉工業空氣淨化領域的多年探索實踐,以領先的第四代空氣淨化技術——CH-CUT甲醛催化分解技術為核心, UCHEER友好開發出家用、商用、辦公、車載、創意等多款空氣清淨機及行業空氣淨化解決方案,它們均搭載CH-CUT技術,可在室溫下徹底、長久地分解甲醛、苯等TVOC有害氣體,具有高效、耐用、安全、環保等特性,充分滿足各個場景中消費者對潔淨空氣的需求。UCHEER友好空氣清淨機在搶佔國內市場的同時,也已遠銷德國、加拿大等海外高階市場。
名詞 good/close friend
1. 生前友好
friends of the deceased
形詞 friendly; amicable
1. 我們友好地分手了。
We parted friends.
2. 真誠的友好
cordial/genuine/true amity
3. 虛假的友好
feigned amity
4. 熱情友好的講話
warm and friendly speech
5. 友好鄰邦
friendly neighbouring country/nation
6. 友好訪問/國家/氣氛
friendly visit/nation/atmosphere
7. 態度友好
have a friendly attitude
8. 關係友好
be on friendly terms with
9. 友好協商/合作/交流
friendly negotiation/cooperation/exchange
10. 友好相處
be friends with; live on friendly terms (with)
11. 友好地握手
shake hands in friendship
12. 表示友好
offer friendship; feel goodwill towards