舉辦的英文 舉辦用英語怎麼說?
conduct n.行為方式;舉止;品行;管理;處理;引導
hold v.抓住;拿著;托住;夾住;拘留;穩定;容納;能裝;擁有;為(人)保留;控制;防止;舉行
host n.主人;寄主;宿主;接受移植組織的受體;主機;生存地;許多人;聖體;主辦方;主辦地
run v.跑;奔;奔忙;透過;傳遞;迅速傳播;傳開;流動;行駛;管理;經營;負責;開動;操作;運轉;繼續;持續;具有法律效力;起作用;競選;當候選人;出版;刊登;被出版;被刊登;偷運;走私;花費
常用 權威
1. 舉辦訓練班
conduct a training course
2. 舉辦音樂會
give a concert
3. 舉辦義展
put on a benefit exhibition
4. 舉辦城市
host city
5. 舉辦書市
hold a book fair
6. 舉辦義賣
conduct a benefit sale
7. 舉辦學習班
run a study class
8. 舉辦奧運
host the Olympics
9. 舉辦演出
hold a performance
10. 舉辦電視晚會
have a television night
11. 舉辦茶敘
organize a tea gathering
12. 出資舉辦音樂會
finance a concert
1. 遊樂會和節日活動都會在那舉辦。
The fairs and festivals take place there.
2. 在山西舉辦這麼重大的體育賽事!
Such a big sports event in Shanxi!
3. 俄羅斯正在舉辦第21屆世界盃。
Russia is holding the twenty-first FIFA WORLD CUP now.
4. 他們舉辦了一個生日派對。
They had a birthday party.
5. 假設你計劃為國際學生舉辦校園美食節。
Suppose you are planning a campus food festival for the international students.
6. 假設你的大學將舉辦一個高中生夏令營。
Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students.
7. 因此,我建議這類活動每學期舉辦一次。
On this account, I suggest that activities of this kind be held once a semester.
8. 每年四月,莫里縣都會舉辦騾日慶祝活動。
Every April, Maury County holds a Mule Day celebration.
9. 今天晚上將為離校生舉辦一個盛大的聚會。
There will be a big party(聚會) for the school-leavers this evening.
10. 人們舉辦許多不同的活動來與疾病作鬥爭。
People are holding many different events to fight against diseases.
動詞 conduct; hold; host; run
1. 他下月將舉辦個人畫展。
He is going to have/give an exhibition of his paintings.
2. 舉辦國
host country/nation
3. 舉辦城市
host city
4. 舉辦展覽(會)
put on/hold/mount an exhibition
5. 舉辦音樂會
give a concert
6. 舉辦訓練班
conduct a training course
7. 舉辦學習班
run a study class
8. 舉辦晚會
hold/throw a party
9. 舉辦講座
set up/give a course of lectures
10. 舉辦會議
hold a meeting/conference
11. 舉辦國際博覽會
organize/run an international exhibition
12. 舉辦比賽
conduct a competition; hold a match
13. 舉辦奧運會
hold/stage the Olympic Games