椅子的英文 椅子用英語怎麼說?
chair n.椅子;會議主持人;會長;主席;教授職位;軌座;轎子;職位
常用 權威
1. 一把椅子
a chair
2. 椅子舞
chair lap dance
3. 轉動椅子
twirl a chair
4. 輕便椅子
lightweight chair
5. 木頭椅子
wooden chair
6. 兩趟椅子
two rows of chairs
7. 摞椅子
stack the chairs
8. 粗笨的椅子
heavy-footed chair
9. 結實的椅子
rock-steady chair; sturdy chair
10. 舒服的椅子
comfortable chair
11. 把椅子堆疊起來
stack the chairs
12. 慣常坐的椅子
one's usual chair
1. 女王坐在房間一頭的椅子上。
The Queen sits at one end of the room on a chair.
2. 丹坐在椅子上,一言不發。
Dan threw himself onto his chair, silent.
3. 它需要少點桌子和椅子。
It requires fewer tables and chairs.
4. 當她的晚餐夥伴出現時,她也拉了一把椅子。
When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair.
5. 我可以看到自己坐在火爐邊的小椅子上做針線活。
And I can see myself sitting on a small chair by the fire doing needlework.
6. 是椅子的問題。
The problem is the chairs.
7. 我們很多人每天要花7個小時甚至更多的時間坐在椅子上。
Many of us spend seven hours or more just sitting on a chair each day.
8. 米爾斯小姐和他的同學都很興奮,但丹卻坐在椅子上,一言不發。
Miss Mills and his classmates were excited, but Dan threw himself onto his chair, silent.
9. 呃,簡而言之,這些不是我和我妻子上週在你們店裡挑選的椅子。
Well, put simply, these are not the chairs my wife and I selected in your store last week.
10. 小女孩從椅子上跳起來迎接父親。
The little girl sprang/bounced out of the chair to greet her father.
荒誕派戲劇之父尤奈斯庫代表作《椅子》 看過西班牙著名電影導演阿莫多瓦的那部《Talk to her》,一定還記得開場時那個瘦削的女人和兩把空蕩蕩的白色椅子……可你也許不知道,這就是世界著名“荒誕劇之父”尤奈斯庫的代表作《椅子》。作為本次藝術節的特邀劇目,定於11月14日在話劇藝術中心首演的美國七彩劇團《椅子》本週在二醫、財大和上師大預演三場,率先為學生們上一堂別開生面的荒誕課。
名詞 chair
1. 轉動椅子
twirl a chair
2. 一把椅子
a chair