哭的英文 哭用英語怎麼說?
cry v.哭泣;哭;流淚;叫喊;叫;喊道;大聲說出;急需;鳴;沿街叫賣
weep v.流淚;哭泣;滲液體;哭著說;哀悼
常用 權威
1. 傷心地哭
weep tears of sadness
2. 突然哭起來
burst into tears
3. 雙手捂著臉哭
cry in one's hands
4. 哭瞎眼睛
be blinded by tears
5. 嚇得嗚嗚哭起來
begin to whimper with fear
6. 嗓子都哭咽啞了
cry oneself hoarse
1. 他看起來臉色蒼白,但他沒有哭。
He looked very pale, but he didn't cry.
2. 我的朋友在電話裡哭得像個嬰兒。
My friend cried like a baby on the telephone.
3. 她哭了,因為她拿不到鑰匙。
She cried because she couldn't reach the key.
4. 我試圖變得堅強,但連我父親都哭了。
I tried to be strong but even my father cried.
5. 我不知道他為什麼要燒死我,我哭著敲門。
I wondered why he wanted to burn me, and I cried and knocked at the door.
6. 一個女人看見他哭了,讓他在商店外面等著。
A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside the shop.
7. 聽到這話,小男孩傷心地哭著跑向他的媽媽。
Hearing that, the little boy cried sadly and ran to his mother.
8. 那麼大的姑娘還哭,真沒羞沒臊。
Such a big girl crying. Shame on you.
9. 她母親去世時,她哭了個天昏地暗。
She cried her eyes/heart out when her mother passed away.
10. 她說著說著,嚶嚶地哭了起來。
As she spoke, she began to sob.
哭,讀音kū,哭與笑一樣,從人(大,人體形)。人上面竟然頂著兩個口,可見伸冤或求助之迫切。造字本義:呼天搶地,伸冤求情。含義是因痛苦悲哀或感情激動而流淚,有時還發出聲音。 哭,是人類生理情緒的一種表達或表露,亦是人類表達情感的一種方式。哭一般定義為由於情感的大浮動波動而流淚出聲。哭出的淚水是應該包含人的主觀情感。
動詞 cry; weep
1. 嬰兒哭著要吃奶。
The baby was crying for milk.
2. 痛痛快快哭一場吧,哭出來就好受了。
Have a good cry; it will do you good.
3. 傷心地哭
weep tears of sadness
4. 高興得哭了
cry/weep for joy; weep with joy; weep tears of joy
5. 放聲大哭
weep noisily; cry loudly/unrestrainedly
6. 哀哭
cry with grief
7. 哭著入睡
cry oneself to sleep
8. 哭著求饒
whine for mercy
9. 哭了起來
burst into tears
10. 哭個不停
go on crying; do not stop crying
11. 哭得死去活來
weep oneself out; cry/weep/sob one's heart/eyes out