記住的英文 記住用英語怎麼說?
memorize v.記住;熟記
remember v.記得;想起;回憶起;不忘記;記住;牢記;贈給(或留給)…財產;為…預作安排;代…向… 問好
bear in mind 牢記, 記住
常用 權威
1. 逐字記住
memorize word by word
2. 記住難忘的一刻
remember the unforgettable moment
1. 另外,記住耳聾和愚蠢是兩碼事。
Also, remember that deafness isn't the same as being stupid.
2. 記住,自信是勝利者的秘密武器。
Remember that confidence is a winner's secret weapon(武器).
3. 珍惜當下,記住活著是多麼幸運。
Value the present moment and remember how fortunate you are to be alive.
4. 它能記住其他老鼠的面部特徵。
It can remember other rats' facial features.
5. 測試佩伯記住了多少禮儀規則。
Test how many etiquette rules Pepper remembered.
6. 想法只有在重複時才能被記住。
Ideas can only be remembered when they are repeated.
7. 記住,你可以期待最好的回報。
Remember that you can expect the best in return.
8. 他們可以更容易地記住東西。
They can memorize things with more ease.
9. 記住壓力會消失,但你的生活會繼續。
Remember stress will disappear but your life will go on.
10. 永遠記住:要有禮貌和耐心。
Always keep in mind: be polite and patient.
《記住》( Remember)是一部由阿託姆·伊戈揚執導,本傑明·奧古斯特擔任編劇,克里斯托弗·普盧默、迪恩·諾里斯等主演的驚悚電影,於2015年10月23日在加拿大上映。 該片主要講述了患有阿茲海默症的二戰屠殺生還者澤夫·古特曼(克里斯托弗·普盧默 飾)在完全失憶前,對當年殺害他家人的兇手進行復仇的故事。 2015年,該片獲第72屆威尼斯電影節金獅獎提名。
動詞 memorize; remember; commit to memory; bear in mind
1. 我們將永遠記住他。
His memory will always remain with us. / He will always remain in our memory.
2. 記住早點來。
Mind you come early.
3. 逐字記住
memorize word by word
4. 記住臺詞
memorize the lines; commit the lines to memory
5. 記住使命
bear/have/keep one's missions in mind
6. 記住親人的囑託
bear in mind the entrustment made by one's dear ones
7. 記住難忘的一刻
remember the unforgettable moment
8. 記住教訓
brand a lesson on one's mind
9. 記住國恥
commit the national humiliation to one's memory