複雜的英文 複雜用英語怎麼說?
complex adj.由許多部分組成的;組合的;合成的;複合的;複數的;復的;配合的;絡合的;錯綜複雜的;費解的
complicated adj.結構複雜的;費解的;併發的;錯綜複雜的;混亂的;令人困惑的
intricate adj.錯綜複雜的;盤根錯節的;複雜精細的
常用 權威
1. 複雜性
2. 複雜化
3. 更加複雜
be even more complicated
4. 複雜勞動
complex labour
5. 錯綜複雜
complicated and confused; intricate; complex; complicated
6. 心情複雜
have mixed feelings
7. 來歷複雜
be of complicated background
8. 複雜的問題
complex problem
9. 複雜的裝置
complex equipment
10. 複雜的關係網
complex web of relationships
11. 複雜的心情
mixed feelings
12. 對付複雜局勢
deal with a complicated situation
13. 複雜的表情
mingled (facial) expression
14. 情節錯綜複雜
intricately woven plot; intricate plot
15. 複雜的棋路
intricate moves in chess
16. 複雜的感情
mixed feelings
17. 學習複雜的舞步
learn complicated dance steps
18. 複雜的人際關係
complicated interpersonal relationship
19. 複雜的化學結構
complicated chemical structure
20. 長期而複雜的問題
long-standing and complex problems
1. 這證明了我們大腦反應的複雜性。
It proves the complexity of our brain reaction.
2. 他們幫助公共汽車處理複雜的路況。
They help the bus to deal with complex (複雜的) road conditions.
3. 它面臨的問題越來越多樣化和複雜。
It faces problems that are getting more varied and complicated.
4. 它需要一系列複雜的蛋白質來分解。
It needs a series of complex proteins to break it down.
5. 植物生物學是複雜而迷人的。
Plant biology is complex and fascinating.
6. 它充滿了不確定性和複雜性。
It's full of uncertainty and complexity.
7. 這比那種情況要複雜得多。
It's a bit more complicated than that.
8. 開放科學的立場也會增加合作的複雜性。
An open-science stance can also add complexity to a collaboration.
9. 他們會看到科學的複雜性。
They will see the complexity of science.
10. 它的定義是多樣而複雜的。
Its definition is varied and complicated.
複雜(英語:complex),讀音fù zá,漢語詞彙。字義為(事物的種類、頭緒等)多而雜。相關例句有:仙人掌不僅品種繁多複雜,而且造型別致,多姿多彩,是百花園中一顆明珠。 相關古文有“騷與賦句語無甚相遠,體裁則大不同:騷複雜無倫,賦整蔚有序。”出自明朝胡應麟 的《詩藪·古體上》。
形詞 complex; complicated; intricate
1. 國際形勢複雜多變。
The international situation is complex and volatile.
2. 情節複雜的偵探小說
intricately plotted detective story
3. 複雜的心情
mixed feelings
4. 複雜的問題
complex problem
5. 複雜的棋路
intricate moves in chess
6. 複雜的裝置
complex equipment
7. 複雜的人際關係
complicated interpersonal relationship
8. 複雜的化學結構
complicated chemical structure
9. 複雜的關係網
complex web of relationships
10. 複雜的表情
mingled (facial) expression