被子的英文 被子用英語怎麼說?
quilt n.印花被;羽絨被;編織床罩;絕緣層;絕緣墊
comforter n.給予安慰的人;羊毛圍巾;溫暖的蓋被;安撫奶嘴
duvet n.羽絨被;羽絨服
常用 權威
1. 曬被子
air a quilt
2. 疊被子
fold (up) one's quilt
3. 掀開被子
push back the covers
4. 一床被子
a quilt
5. 厚被子
thick quilt
6. 鋪被子
unfold a quilt;spread out one's quilt
7. 厚重的被子
thick and heavy bedding
8. 軟和的被子
soft quilt
1. 一個睡袋,或者至少一床薄被子。
A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt.
2. 於是他又把鬍子放在被子底下。
So he put the beard under the quilt again.
3. 他從被子下面撩起鬍子,放在被子上面。
He lift his beard from under the quilt and put it above it.
4. 朱把他帶進山洞,點了一堆火,用被子把他蓋好。
Zhu took him into the cave, lit a fire and covered the stricken runner with his quilts.
5. 我有點冷,給我再壓床被子。
I’m feeling a bit cold. Pull another quilt over me.
6. 母親給他把被子掖好。
Mother tucked up/in his quilt.
7. 被子疊得很平正。
The quilt was neatly folded.
8. 被子太厚了。
The quilt is too thick.
9. 把被子蓋好!
Cover yourself up with the quilt, please.
10. 一床用一塊塊絲綢拼製成的被子。
A quilt made from oddments of silk.
被子(bèi zǐ),漢語詞語。被子是床上用品的一種,是面積足以覆蓋人體、長方形的布料,一般用作睡眠時保持溫暖。被子通常由被套或者被單包著棉絮而成,用棉做的被子叫做棉被。除棉被外,也可以用羊毛、蠶絲,或者丙烯酸纖維等人造纖維製造。
名詞 quilt; comforter; duvet
1. 把被子蓋好!
Cover yourself up with the quilt, please.
2. 厚被子
thick quilt
3. 鋪被子
spread out one's quilt
4. 縫被子
make/stitch a quilt
5. 疊被子
fold (up) one's quilt
6. 一床被子
a quilt