咳嗽的英文 咳嗽用英語怎麼說?
cough v.咳;咳嗽;供認;發出喀喀聲;咳出;厲聲說出;透露情報
常用 權威
1. 陣發性咳嗽
spasmodic cough;paroxysmal cough
2. 咳嗽中樞
coughing centre
3. 咳嗽糖漿
cough syrup
4. 痙攣性咳嗽
convulsive cough
5. 大聲咳嗽
cough loudly
6. 燥熱咳嗽
cough due to dryness-heat
7. 咳嗽不止
cough incessantly
8. 咳嗽暈厥綜合徵
syndrome of cough syncope
9. 斷斷續續的咳嗽
staccato cough
10. 咳嗽一聲清清喉嚨
cough to clear one's throat
1. 一名22歲的中國女性持續咳嗽。
A 22-year-old Chinese woman suffered from a persistent cough.
2. 打噴嚏或咳嗽到肘部是必要的。
It's necessary to sneeze or cough into elbow.
3. 病人咳嗽得很厲害,還發燒。
Patients coughed a lot and got fevers.
4. 她無法控制的咳嗽是一個謎。
Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery.
5. 細菌最常見的是透過打噴嚏和咳嗽傳播。
Germs are most commonly spread by sneezing and coughing.
6. 你咳嗽時沒有捂住嘴。
You don't cover your mouth while coughing.
7. 在去看過幾次醫生後,我的咳嗽開始減輕了。
After a few more regular visits to the doctor, my cough started to lessen.
8. 看著母親持續發燒、咳嗽、呼吸急促,令人心碎。
Watching my mother continue fever, cough, and shortness of breath was heartbreaking.
9. 我現在還是覺得很難受。我覺得冷,咳嗽得很厲害。
I'm still feeling terrible now.I feel cold and cough a lot.
10. 她一直在咳嗽。
She was coughing all the time.
咳嗽(cough)是一種呼吸道常見症狀,由於氣管、支氣管黏膜或胸膜受炎症、異物、物理或化學性刺激引起。 咳嗽的表現先是聲門關閉、呼吸肌收縮、肺內壓升高,然後聲門張開,肺內空氣噴射而出,通常伴隨聲音。咳嗽具有清除呼吸道異物和分泌物的保護性作用。但如果咳嗽不停,由急性轉為慢性,常給患者帶來很大的痛苦,如胸悶、咽癢、喘氣等。 核酸檢測陽性,確定感染新冠奧密克戎病毒時,可能會出現咳嗽症狀。通常第1-3天無不適症狀,第4-6天開始乾咳,咳嗽時整個胸腔會輕微疼痛,並伴隨著聲音嘶啞和輕微頭痛,第7天咳嗽開始好轉。若出現咳嗽症狀,建議使用複方鮮竹瀝液、宣肺敗毒顆粒、急支糖漿等藥物;如果出現痰多、咳痰費力症狀,建議使用複方甘草片、乙醯半胱氨酸顆粒等藥物。詳細可參考《新冠病毒感染者居家治療指南》《新型冠狀病毒陽性感染者居家康復專家指引》。
動詞 cough
1. 陣發性咳嗽
spasmodic cough
2. 痙攣性咳嗽
convulsive cough
3. 斷斷續續的咳嗽
staccato cough
4. 忍住咳嗽
keep under a cough; suppress a cough
5. 大聲咳嗽
cough loudly