僅的英文 僅用英語怎麼說?
only adv.唯一地;僅有地;只;不料;結果卻;才;僅僅;只會;剛剛;直到…才
merely adv.僅僅;只不過;純粹是
alone adj./adv.單獨的;獨自的;只;僅僅;孤獨的;孤立的;單幹的;僅僅的
solely adv.獨自地;單獨地;僅僅
nearly adv.接近;幾乎;差不多;差點兒;密切地;親密地
approximately adv.大約;近似地
常用 權威
1. 僅用於外敷
for external application only
2. 僅從外表看人
judge people by mere appearances
1. 僅年收入損失就達2250億美元。
Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year.
2. 他們的工作也不應該僅被視為研究物件。
Nor should their work be considered only as an object of study.
3. 值得一提的是,該研究僅基於員工的視角。
A point worth making is that the study was based only on the perspective of employees.
4. 僅巴布亞紐幾內亞就有超過800種(語言)。
Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800.
5. 有些舞者可以在離地面僅20釐米的杆子下跳舞!
Some dancers can dance under a pole just twenty centimeters off the ground!
6. 優惠僅適用於IMAX 3D影院、SIMEX和生存科學展覽。
Offer applies to IMAX 3D Cinema, SIMEX and The Science of Survival exhibition only.
7. 而且,與僅在少數食物中發現的營養素不同,蛋白質存在於所有食物中。
And, unlike nutrients that are found only in a few foods, protein is present in all foods.
8. 胡夫金字塔(Great Pyramid of Giza)的方向僅與基本方向略有不同。
The Great Pyramid of Giza is oriented only slightly away from the cardinal directions.
9. 僅初試透過者有資格參加複試。
Only those who have passed the preliminary examination are qualified for the final.
10. 她僅用了14分鐘就到達終點。
She breasted the finishing tape in only 14 minutes.
僅(拼音:jǐn或jìn),漢語漢字,筆畫4畫,左右結構,讀作jǐn時,字義是指不過,才。讀作jìn時,字義是指將近,幾乎。組詞有僅僅、僅只。 相關古文有“僅,才能也。”出自《說文》。
副詞 only; merely; alone; solely
1. 我不相信這僅是一個錢的問題。
I do not believe that this is solely a matter of money.
2. 辦公室僅有一部電話。
There is only one telephone in the office.
3. 僅今年生產就上升了15%。
The production is up by 15% this year alone.
4. 僅供參考
for reference only
5. 僅次於
rank only next/second to
6. 僅此一次
(just) for once
副詞 nearly; approximately
1. 僅萬人
close to 10,000 people