經歷的英文 經歷用英語怎麼說?
go through 經歷, 遭受;仔細(或挨個)搜尋;被正式批准;用光;被連續出版;匆忙離開以躲避責任;潛逃
undergo v.經受;遭受;忍受
experience n.經歷;感受;經驗;給人留下印象的事
常用 權威
1. 經歷千難萬險
go through hazards and hardships
2. 經歷零增長
experience zero growth
3. 詳談經歷
detail one's experiences
4. 經歷變化
undergo changes
5. 經歷災難
experience disaster
6. 個人經歷
personal experiences
7. 發跡經歷
success story
8. 填寫經歷
fill in the background
9. 經歷種種奇遇
go through various adventures
10. 難忘的經歷
memorable experience
11. 恐怖的經歷
terrifying experience
12. 簡述個人經歷
brief one's personal experiences
13. 回顧一段經歷
review an experience
14. 痛苦的經歷
painful experience
15. 講述個人經歷
tell about one's personal history
16. 悲慘的經歷
tragic experience
17. 獨特的經歷
unique experience
18. 蹊蹺的經歷
odd experiences
19. 坎坷的經歷
experiences of frustrations; chequered career
20. 透過旅遊豐富經歷
enrich one's experience by travelling
1. 我們在生活中面對著悲傷的經歷。
We are going through life facing sad experiences.
2. 但我在北京的經歷說明了一些事情。
But my experience in Beijing said something.
3. 這段經歷並不像你想象的那麼浪漫。
The experience was not as romantic as you imagine.
4. 他們將經歷更多的挫折而不是成功。
They will experience more setbacks than successes.
5. 它經歷了空氣質量的全面下降。
It has experienced an overall decline in air quality.
6. 他的農耕經歷教會他要感謝大自然。
His farming experience taught him to be thankful to nature.
7. 它傾向於詳述他們的歡樂經歷。
It tends to dwell upon their joyous experiences.
8. 創業團隊通常會經歷三個階段。
Entrepreneurial teams generally progress through three phases.
9. 社會階層極大地有助於豐富教育經歷。
Social class greatly helps enrich educational experiences.
10. 它以一些名人的真實生活經歷為基礎。
It is based on the real-life experiences of some celebrities.
經歷是一個漢語詞彙,讀音為jīng lì,指自身或他人見過、做過或遭遇過的事。
動詞 go through; undergo; experience
1. 她最近經歷了一段困難時期。
She's gone through a bad patch.
2. 親身經歷
experience personally/firsthand
3. 經歷生與死的考驗
undergo a trial of life and death
4. 經歷艱難困苦
pass through/undergo various difficulties and hardships
5. 經歷千難萬險
go through hazards and hardships
6. 經歷長期磨鍊
undergo a long process of tempering
7. 經歷不同的發展階段
go through various stages of development
名詞 experience
1. 他有一段不平凡的經歷。
He had an extraordinary experience.
2. 這是我的親身經歷。
This is my personal/own experience.
3. 寶貴/不幸/難忘的經歷
valuable/unfortunate/unforgettable experience
4. 工作/生活經歷
work/life experience
5. 有著共同的經歷
share the same experience; have a common experience
6. 敘述經歷
narrate/relate/tell one's experience
7. 詳談經歷
detail one's experiences
8. 填寫經歷
fill in the background
9. 回顧一段經歷
review an experience