消失的英文 消失用英語怎麼說?
disappear v.消失;看不見;不再存在;不再使用;丟失;無法找到;失蹤;被殺害
vanish v.突然不見;消失;變為零;逐漸消失
dissolve v.溶解;關閉;解散;終止;取消;使(固體)溶解;消失;情不自禁;疊化成;淡入淡出
fade away 逐漸消失
常用 權威
1. 瞬間消失
vanish in an instant
2. 倏然消失
disappear abruptly
3. 逐漸消失
disappear gradually
4. 在遠方消失
disappear into the distance
5. 消失在人海之中
disappear into the crowd
6. 消失在地平線以下
sink below the horizon
1. 在物種消失之前探索它們的文化。
Explore the cultures of species before they vanish.
2. 沒有老師的幫助,它會逐漸消失。
It will gradually pass away without teachers' help.
3. 聽了他的話,她的怒氣消失
After she heard his words, her anger was gone.
4. 然而,這些想法很快就消失了。
However, those thoughts soon disappeared.
5. 毫無疑問,扎染潮流從未真正消失。
There is no doubt that the tie-dye trend has never really gone away.
6. 記住壓力會消失,但你的生活會繼續。
Remember stress will disappear but your life will go on.
7. 實物貨幣的消失是否會影響日常生活。
Whether the absence of physical currency is going to affect everyday life.
8. 不幸的是,塑膠不只是消失。
Unfortunately, plastic doesn't just disappear.
9. 得知一片森林消失了,我真的很難過。
\It makes me really sad to learn that a forest has disappeared.
10. 海平面將上升,海邊許多城市將消失。
Sea levels will rise and many cities along the sea will disappear.
【詞目】消失 【拼音】xiāoshī 【詞性】動詞 【近義詞】消散、消逝 【反義詞】出現、呈現、展現 [Disappear;Vanish;Dissolve;Die(fade)away][事物]逐漸減少以至沒有或[人或事物]由近及遠逐漸到看不見。
動詞 disappear; vanish; dissolve; fade away
1. 音樂聲消失了。
The music blanked out. / The music faded/died away.
2. 她臉上的笑容消失了。
The smile vanished from her face.
3. 疼痛消失了。
The pain disappeared.
4. 那些痛苦的回憶從她腦海中逐漸消失了。
The painful memories gradually receded from her mind.
5. 在遠方消失
disappear into the distance
6. 在視線中消失
disappear from view; go/move out of sight
7. 消失在人群中
vanish/disappear into the crowd
8. 消失在濃霧中
disappear/vanish in the dense fog; melt into the thick fog
9. 消失於黑暗中
disappear/fade into darkness
10. 消失得無影無蹤
disappear/vanish without trace; vanish/melt/disappear into thin air; vanish into the blue