鹹的英文 鹹用英語怎麼說?
all predet., det. & pron.所有;全部;任何;儘可能;只;唯一;一切
altogether adv.徹底地;完全地;整個地;基本上;總體來說;所有地;總共地
salted adj.有經驗的;鹽醃的;鹽味的
salty adj.含鹽的;鹹的;用鹽醃的;粗俗的;猥褻的;粗魯的;愛鬧事的;挑釁的
常用 權威
1. 齁鹹
awfully salty
2. 鹹澀的淚水
salty and bitter tears
1. 我口輕,別把菜做鹹
I don’t like salty food. Please don’t make my food too salty.
2. 嚐嚐這菜的甜鹹。
Have a taste of the dish to see whether it is salty enough.
3. 海水又苦又鹹。
Seawater tastes bitter and salty.
4. 一個燻鹹肉餡小麵包。
A bacon roll.
5. 在鹹開水中煮胡蘿蔔。
Cook the carrots in boiling salted water.
6. 煮湯煮太鹹了,不加水也能變淡!
Boil soup is too salty, not adding water can also becomes weak!
7. 慢鏡頭顯示他僅僅輕微碰到碧鹹。
Slow-motion images revealed he barely touched Beckham.
8. 草藥的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、鹹
Five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty
9. 埃迪最喜愛帶肉和綠豆的鹹粽子。
Eddie likes the salty ones with meat and green beans best.
10. 廚師在嘗那個菜,看看是否夠鹹。
The cook is tasting that dish, to see if it is salty enough.
鹹,漢語漢字。出自漢 揚雄《法言》:“迄始皇三載而鹹,時、激、地、保、人事乎?”《詩·大雅·崧高》:“周邦鹹喜。”明·黃道周《節寰袁公傳》:“眾鹹謂公(袁可立)強項也。”表示某一範圍的全部,相當於“全”“都”。
鹹姓,起源有多種說法。鹹姓是我國最古老的姓氏之一,早期活動於山東、河南一帶,漢代以後在汝南郡形成名門望族。後因戰亂、仕宦等原因,逐步遷徙到江蘇、山西等地。鹹姓人口沒有進入全國前三百位。歷史鹹姓名人有鹹丘蒙 、鹹 宣、鹹廙業、鹹惟一等。
副詞 all; altogether
1. 鹹受其益。
All benefited from it.
2. 少長鹹集。
All the young and old gathered together.
3. 老少咸宜
suit young and old alike; be good for young and old alike
形詞 salted; salty
1. 海水又苦又鹹。
Seawater tastes bitter and salty.
2. 菜太鹹了。
The dish is too salty.
3. 極鹹
be very salty