照顧的英文 照顧用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-13



consider v.考慮;思考;細想;認為;想;考慮到;相信;顧及;凝視

take sth into account vphr.考慮到;顧及

look after 照顧

keep an eye on 留神, 注意

watch over 看守;照看;看顧

take care of 照顧, 照料

常用 權威



1. 請求照顧

sue for grace

2. 個別照顧

give individual attention (to)

3. 予以照顧

give preferential treatment (to)

4. 照顧孕婦

look after a pregnant woman

5. 照顧實際需要

consider actual needs

6. 照顧其餘的人

care for the rest

7. 給以適當照顧

show due consideration (for)

8. 儘先照顧老人

look after the aged first

9. 照顧他人利益

take into consideration others'interest


1. 好好照顧自己,別擔心上課的事。

Just take care of yourself and don't worry about the class.

2. 莫納島是一個大島,由政府照顧

Mona Island is a large island and taken care of by the government.

3. 它幫助乘客照顧他們的寵物動物。

It helps passengers to take care of their pet animals.

4. 老人只能由無情的機器人來照顧

Old people would be taken care of solely by unfeeling robots.

5. 青少年已經大到可以照顧自己了。

Teenagers are old enough to look after themselves.

6. 事實上,他們需要並且值得被照顧

In fact, they need and deserve to be cared for.

7. 他經常守在她的床邊,日夜照顧她。

He often stayed up by her bedside and cared for her day and night.

8. 所以他需要一個養母來照顧他。

So he needed a foster mother to take care of him.

9. 如果能照顧亨利幾天就太好了。

It would be nice if you could take care of Henry for a couple of days.

10. 有些人甚至認為應該由父母來照顧

Some people even think that it should be taken care of by their parents.



照顧,讀音zhào gù或zhào gu,漢語詞語,讀zhào gù時指關心,關照。讀zhào gu時指考慮,注意。舊時商店稱顧客前來購買東西。例句有“媽媽,請你不要掛念我,我會照顧好自己的。” 相關句子有“他的生意很不錯,有幾條街的人們專等著他,而不照顧別人。”出自老舍《四世同堂》。近義詞有體貼、關照、光顧。反義詞有欺負。



動詞 consider; give consideration to; show consideration for; make allowance(s) for; take sth into account

1. 照顧到檢舉人的安全,信件內容暫不公佈。

Out of consideration for the safety of the accuser, the letter is not to be revealed publicly for the time being.

2. 對特殊情況將給以充分的照顧。

Considerable allowances will be made for special cases.

3. 照顧實際需要

consider actual needs

4. 照顧少數民族的利益

pay attention to the interests of the minorities

5. 照顧全域性

take the whole into account; consider the situation as a whole

6. 照顧多數

make allowance for the majority; think in terms of the majority

動詞 look after; keep an eye on; watch over

1. 我去買票,你來照顧行李。

Keep an eye on the luggage while I go and get the tickets.

2. 照顧好孩子

take good care of the children

動詞 offer preferential treatment

1. 老幼乘車,照顧座位。

Give up your seats to elderly people and children.

2. 照顧病人。

Patients have priority.

3. 照顧殘疾人

give special care to the handicapped

4. 請求照顧

sue for grace

動詞 (of a salesperson or waiter) serve a customer; take care of

動詞 ( of a customer) patronize; shop at
