過去的英文 過去用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-05



past adj.過去的;不復存在的;以前的;剛過去的;過去時的

history n.歷史;過去;歷史劇;充滿大事的歷史;帶有某種特徵的歷史

go over 仔細檢查, 仔細察看;複習

常用 權威



1. 過去分詞

past participle

2. 過去時

past tense

3. 昏迷過去

fall into a coma

4. 過去了

pass away/on/out

5. 為過去所繫累

encumbered by one's history

6. 過去的經驗

past experience

7. 總結過去經驗

analyse events of the past

8. 悠遠的過去

remote past

9. 過去的日子

days gone by

10. 一般過去時

simple past tense

11. 向敵人撲過去

throw oneself on the enemy

12. 不計較過去的冤仇

not hold past grudges

13. 為過去的事灑淚

shed tears over the past

14. 嚇得暈了過去

be faint with fright

15. 從鐵門門縫中側身擠過去

squeeze through the iron door


1. 我意識到我們必須學會放下過去

I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.

2. 他過去是一名跑得很慢的跑步者。

He used to be a slow runner.

3. 我覺得和過去打交道太受約束了。

I felt too constrained working with the past.

4. 它讓我想起了過去的美好時光。

It brings the good old days back to me.

5. 我不認為鼎盛時期已經過去了。

I don't think the heyday (鼎盛時期) has passed.

6. 他們認為傳統意味著過去的舊事物。

They think tradition means old things from the past.

7. 裡克在過去幾年中贏得了五枚金牌。

Rick has won five gold medals in the last few years.

8. 科技新聞釋出會過去一直備受矚目。

The technology press conferences have been high-profile in the past.

9. 這將是你在過去五年中第三次離職。

This will be the third time you've left a job in the last five years.

10. 過去,過元宵節是皇室的傳統。

In the past celebrating the Lantern Festival was a tradition for the imperial(皇帝的) family.



過去是指現在我們所處時刻前的任意一個時刻或者時間段,可以是一個時刻,但大多指的是一個時間段。 我們日常所說的那些代表過去時間的名詞,如:昨天(Yesterday)、前天等,都是過去的一個分支。





名詞 past; former times; history

1. 這種風俗是從過去傳下來的。

This custom is handed down from the past.

2. 我們無法改變過去。

We can't change the past.

3. 決不能回到過去。

There must be no return of the past.

4. 過去人們認為地球是平的。

It used to be thought that the earth was flat. / The earth was thought to be flat in the past.

5. 過去的成績不能保證將來的成功。

Past achievements can't guarantee future success.

6. 過去的人和事

things and people of the past

7. 過去的經驗

past experience

8. 忘記過去

forget/bury one's past

9. 回顧過去

recall the past; run back over the past

10. 很快將成為過去

will soon belong to the past

動詞 pass (by); go over

1. 一眨眼,三十年過去了。

In a twinkling, thirty years passed.

2. 我看到一輛汽車過去了。

I saw a car pass (by).

3. 危險完全過去了。

The danger was well passed.

4. 暑假已經過去,你得安下心來學習。

The summer holiday is over and you must get down to your study.

5. 事情已經過去了,再別想它了。

The accident is behind you now, so forget about it.

6. 你過去幫她一把。

Go (over) and help her.

副詞 [used after a verb, to indicate motion away from the speaker]

1. 我從她身旁徑直走了過去。

I passed by her without stopping.

2. 突然,一顆子彈從我們耳邊嗖地飛了過去。

Suddenly a bullet whizzed past our ears.

3. 警車從右邊超了過去。

The police car passed on the right.

副詞 [used after a verb, indicating turning away from sb or action of turning sth]

1. 請轉過去,我看看你的背部。

Turn round and let me look at your back.

2. 把頭轉過去

turn one's head away

副詞 [used after a verb, to indicate loss of the normal/original state]

1. 一熄燈他就睡了過去。

He fell asleep as soon as the lights were turned off.

2. 幾位婦女當場嚇得昏了過去。

Several women went off in a faint from fright then and there.

3. 撞在牆上,昏了過去

run into a wall and be knocked cold

副詞 [used after a verb, to indicate success of an action

1. 沒有你的幫助,我也能應付過去。

I can get along/by without your help.

2. 把稿子再看一遍,不讓任何拼寫錯誤漏過去

go over the script again so as not to let any spelling mistakes get by

副詞 [used after an adjective, to indicate excess in degree, amount, etc]

1. 高過去一頭

be taller by a head (than)
