可以的英文 可以用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-10



can modal v.能;會;被允許;可以;有可能;有機會;能夠;可能

may modal v.可能;也許;會;可以;祝;願

be able to 能夠

passable adj.尚可的;過得去的;滿意的;可通行的;能透過的

pretty good 相當好;相當不錯;不錯

not bad 不錯, 比預料的好

terrible adj.可怖的;駭人的;可怕的;恐怖的;非常糟糕的;很差勁的;非常令人不快的;極不在行的;令人討厭的;糟透的

awful adj.糟糕的;令人不快的;令人驚歎的;可怕的;極;恐怖的;不安的;太;不舒服的

常用 權威



1. 可以理解

be understandable

2. 有錢可以通神

with money you can talk with God―money talks

3. 可以有把握地說

it's safe to say (that)

4. 可以上網的計算機

Internet-equipped computer

5. 相當可以的收入

reasonable income

6. 有所不為而後可以有所為

you must leave some things undone if you want to get others done; refrain from doing some things in order to be able to do other things

7. 在遠處就可以看得見

be visible in the distance

8. 在可以預見的未來

in the foreseeable future

9. 星星之火,可以燎原

a little spark can cause a conflagration; a single spark can start a prairie fire

10. 買一個筆端可以伸縮的圓珠筆

buy a retractable ballpoint pen


1. 現在我們知道工作是可以改變的。

Now we know jobs can be changeable.

2. 從這段話中,我們可以推斷出來。

From the passage, we can infer that.

3. 他們可以被引導到特定的區域上。

They can be directed onto a specific area.

4. 他們可以瀏覽QR碼來購買書籍。

They can browse the QR code to buy the books.

5. 我可以嚐到火雞和土豆泥的味道。

I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes(火雞和土豆泥).

6. 新技術的負面後果是可以避免的。

Negative consequences of new tech can be avoided.

7. 它可以為盲人將文字轉變為口語。

It can turn text into spoken words for the blind.

8. 他們可以幫助父母節省孩子的錢。

They may help parents save their children's money.

9. 一條假肢可以彌補生理上的缺陷。

A wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency.

10. 無風時,他的哨聲可以傳得更遠。

His whistling can be farther away when it is windless.



可以(kě yǐ),漢語詞語。指能夠發揮某種功能,《詩經·陳風·衡門》曾提及:“衡門之下,可以棲遲。”也指事物、事情不壞、尚好等等。





動詞 be worth (doing)

1. 這部影片可以一觀。

This film is worth seeing.

2. 那個地方不算大,不過還可以去看看。

It's not a big place. It is worthy of a visit, though.

動詞 [indicating possibility or capability] can; may; be able to

1. 這是個可以討論的問題。

This is open to discussion.

2. 星星之火,可以燎原。

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

3. 我幫忙可以,但不能什麼事都叫我幹。

I don't mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything you want me to do.

4. 你完全可以這樣說。

You may well say so.

5. 在可以預見的未來

in the foreseeable future

6. 可以為鑑

be exemplary; may be taken as a warning

7. 可以理解

be understandable

8. 可以斷言

it can be asserted that; one may predict that

動詞 [indicating permission] can; may

1. “這裡可以抽菸嗎?”“不可以。”

‘Is it all right to smoke here?' ‘No, it isn't.'

2. 你不可以去。

You can't go. / You are not permitted to go.

3. 你可以走了。

You may go.

形詞 passable; pretty good; not bad

1. 這部片子還可以,你不妨去看一看。

This film is pretty good; you might as well go and see it.

2. “他的英語怎麼樣?”“還可以。”

‘How's his English?' ‘Not bad.'

3. “你過得怎麼樣?”“還可以。”

‘How are things going with you?' ‘Pretty good.'

4. 開始一段時間情況還可以。

It went on well for a while.

形詞 terrible; awful

1. 天氣實在熱得可以。

It's really hot indeed.

2. 你那兩句話說得真可以,夠他們受的。

Those remarks of yours were more than they could stomach.
