槍的英文 槍用英語怎麼說?
spear n.矛;槍;魚叉;持矛兵;植物的幼芽
gun n.槍;炮;獵人;射槍;噴射器;槍手;持槍歹徒;獵隊的一員;槍炮長;訊號槍
rifle n.步槍;來復槍;步槍隊
firearm n.火器;輕武器
常用 權威
1. 照相槍
gun camera
2. 瓦斯槍
gas gun
3. 消防槍
fire gun
4. 噴粉槍
dust gun
5. 氧氣槍
oxygen lance
6. 一杆槍
a gun
7. 注油槍
grease/oil gun
8. 噴漆槍
paint (spraying) gun
9. 雙筒槍
double-barrelled gun
10. 槍筒子
barrel of a gun
11. 噴火槍
flame gun
12. 單發槍
13. 槍套子
14. 噴鍍槍
spray torch
15. 連發槍
repeating rifle; magazine gun
16. 等離子槍
plasma gun
17. 玩具噴水槍
water pistol
18. 下俘虜的槍
disarm the captive
19. 給槍上子彈
load a gun
20. 掄槍使棒
swing spears and sticks
1. 他有槍是證明他有罪的又一證據。
His possession of the gun is corroboration of his guilt.
2. 他扭頭看見了槍,拔腿就跑。
When he turned round and saw the gun, he tried to escape.
3. 我用一枝沒裝子彈的槍把盜賊唬跑了。
I bluffed off the robber with an unloaded gun.
4. 槍萬一走火可不是 (鬧著) 玩兒的。
It’s no joke if the gun goes off accidentally.
5. 火繩槍是滑膛槍的前身。
The harquebus is the predecessor of the musket.
6. 發給每個士兵一支槍。
Each soldier was issued a rifle.
7. 他握槍的手鬆開了。
His grip on the gun loosened.
8. 槍被擦得鋥光瓦亮。
The gun was polished shining bright.
9. 他突然亮出一支槍。
He suddenly produced a gun.
10. 他的槍沒有發火。
His gun missed fire.
槍,舊稱銃、火銃、火槍、鐵炮,是利用火藥燃氣能量發射子彈,打擊無防護或弱防護的有生目標為主的一種武器。 槍是軍隊中步兵的主要武器,亦是其他兵種的輔助武器,在民用被更廣泛用於治安警衛、體育比賽等領域。
名詞 spear
1. 一杆/條/支槍
a spear
名詞 gun; rifle; firearm
1. 槍走火了。
The pistol discharged accidentally. / The gun went off by accident.
2. 槍卡殼了。
The gun jammed.
3. 槍響了。
The gun went off.
4. 自動槍
automatic gun
5. 雙筒槍
double-barrelled gun
6. 用槍瞄準
aim a gun (at sb/sth)
7. 聽到槍響
hear the report/sound of a gun; hear a shot
8. 鳴槍警告
fire a warning shot
9. 給槍上子彈
load a gun
10. 攜槍
carry a gun
11. 扛槍
carry a gun on the shoulder
12. 開槍
discharge one's gun (at sb/sth); fire a gun (at sb/sth); let off/fire/pop a pistol (at sb/sth); shoot a rifle
13. 打槍
fire a shot; shoot
14. 拆槍
dismantle a gun
15. 擦槍
clean a gun
16. 擺弄槍
play around/about with a gun
17. 拔槍
draw/pull a gun
18. 一杆/條/支槍
a gun/rifle
名詞 thing shaped or functioning like a gun
動詞 substitute for sb in an examination; sit for an examination in place of another person