情況的英文 情況用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-26



circumstances n.條件;環境;狀況;境況;境遇;經濟狀況;命運;客觀環境;典禮;(circumstance的複數)

situation n.處境;情況;情景;狀態;形勢;位置;地點;職位;工作

condition n.情況;狀態;狀況;環境;條件;前提;病;疾病;身份

state of affairs 情況;事態

常用 權威



1. 危急情況

critical situation

2. 伴隨情況

attendant condition

3. 銷售情況

sales status

4. 實際情況

actual situation

5. 經濟情況

economic condition

6. 兩可情況

borderline case

7. 個別情況

individual case

8. 部分情況

part of the story

9. 澄清情況

clear up matters

10. 緊急情況

emergency; exigency

11. 氣象情況

meteorological conditions

12. 湊集情況

pool information

13. 情況危急

be in a critical condition

14. 反常情況

anomalous situation

15. 一般情況

ordinary circumstances

16. 在特定情況下

in the given circumstances

17. 詢問情況

inquire about sth

18. 情況通報

a circular on the situation

19. 在正常情況下

under normal conditions

20. 摸清情況

feel out the situation


1. 在任何情況下,預防都勝於治療。

In all cases prevention is better than cure.

2. 它在沒有設定資訊的情況下工作。

It works with no information set in.

3. 在前一種情況下,你可以讀一章。

In the former case you may be able to read a chapter.

4. 但現在,情況發生了很大的變化。

But now, things have changed greatly.

5. 由於預算削減,情況已經惡化。

They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.

6. 最近情況並非如此,這是一大恥辱。

More recently this has not been the case, which is a great shame.

7. 誤解藝術作品的情況相當普遍。

It is quite common to misinterpret artistic works.

8. 他們越來越關注現實生活中的情況

They are increasingly focused on real-life situations.

9. 在這種情況下,你午餐吃披薩。

In that instance, you have pizza for lunch.

10. 朗姿將此與美國的情況進行了對比。

Lancy contrasts this with what happens in America.



情況(qíng kuàng),漢語詞語,是指情形,情景,也有指事情的來龍去脈等意思。



名詞 circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs

1. 在任何情況下都不能背叛祖國。

Under no circumstances should one betray his country.

2. 我的情況不妙。

Things are bad with me.

3. 王教授情況如何?我好久沒聽到他的訊息了。

What has become of Professor Wang? I've heard nothing of him for ages.

4. 她的情況糟透了。

Her affairs were in a terrible plight/state.

5. 他的情況不同。

The case is different with him.

6. 事情突然出現了新情況。

Things suddenly took on a new complexion.

7. 如果情況允許的話,我還會來的。

If circumstances allow/permit, I will come again.

8. 那要看情況而定。

That depends upon circumstances. / It (all) depends.

9. 目前的情況就是這樣。

This is how the situation stands.

10. 看來情況不妙。

Things look black/blue. / Things don't look good.

11. 看來情況不錯。

Things look rosy.

12. 告訴我情況如何。

Tell me how the situation stands.

13. 情況正在好轉。

Things are looking up. / Things are getting/turning better. / The situation is improving. / Things are taking a turn for the better.

14. 情況正好相反。

The exact reverse was the case.

15. 情況十分危急。

The situation is desperate.

16. 情況刻不容緩。

The situation allows (of) no delay.

17. 情況急劇惡化。

Matters went rapidly from bad to worse. / Matters were deteriorating drastically.

18. 照目前的情況看

as affairs stand; as the case stands; as things are/go/stand

19. 在通常/一般情況下

under ordinary conditions; generally speaking

20. 在特殊情況下

in particular/peculiar cases

21. 在特定情況下

in the given circumstances

22. 在目前情況下

in/under the present/existing circumstances/conditions; in the present case/instance

23. 在大多數情況下

in the great majority of cases

24. 鑑於上述情況

with the above situation in view; in (the) light of the above situation; in view of the above situation; with the foregoing circumstances

25. 根據具體情況

in accordance with specific conditions

26. 兩可情況

borderline case

27. 類似情況

like/similar/analogous cases

28. 個別情況

individual case

29. 部分情況

part of the story

30. 情況介紹/彙報會

briefing meeting/session

31. 情況危急

be in a critical condition

32. 情況良好

be in desirable conditions; be in a good/healthy condition

33. 情況惡化

(sth) take a critical turn; take a turn for the worse

34. 情況不穩定

be in a shaky condition

35. 應付緊急情況

cope with/handle an emergency; cope with a crisis/critical situation

36. 詢問情況

inquire about sth

37. 摸清情況

feel out the situation

38. 瞭解最新情況

be acquainted with the latest situation

39. 誇大情況

exaggerate/overstate a case

40. 考慮各種情況

take one thing with another into consideration/account

41. 接近實際情況

be a close approximation to the truth

42. 防止最壞的情況

avert/prevent/ward off the worst

43. 出現意外情況

unforeseen circumstances arise

44. 澄清情況

clear up matters

45. 不瞭解情況

be out of the picture

名詞 military situation

1. 一有新情況出現,就立即報告總部。

Any change in the situation is to be reported immediately to the headquarters.
