課的英文 課用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-11


lesson n.課程;教學單元;讀經課;教訓;功課;課業;見識;可借鑑之事

period n.時間;時期;階段;週期;經期;句號;句點;週期元素;完整句;期

class n.等級;種類;品種;社會等級;班;班級;課;課程;階層;社會階級

course n.課程;路線;路徑;走向;航向;一道菜;跑馬場;高爾夫球場;球場;比賽場地;系列;連續;層;追蹤狩獵;橫帆;大橫帆;一組同音弦

subject n.題目;問題;主題;物件;學科;科目;課程;國民;臣民;臣服者;主體;主觀;我;自我

section n.部分;派別;部門;處;科;股;橫切;截面;斷面;剖面

tax n.稅;重負;負擔

examine v.檢查;調查;對…進行考試;考;訊問

test n.試驗;測試;烤缽;灰皿;甲殼;介殼;被囊;檢驗;標準

levy v.徵收;徵兵;向…徵收稅;扣押財產;發動

collect v.收集;聚集;使集中;取;接;恢復鎮定;推斷;推論;使以受銜姿勢跑;和…互撞;和…發生衝突

impose v.把… 強加;利用;把…拼版;實施;要求履行;要求付;要求接受;對…施加嚴格控制

常用 權威



1. 烹飪課

cookery lessons

2. 秘書課

secretarial section

3. 瑜伽課

yoga lesson

4. 健身課

keep-fit class

5. 三門課

three subjects

6. 考查課

no-grade course

7. 精讀課

intensive reading

8. 人體寫生課

life class

9. 直觀教學課

object lesson


1. 因為每門都有嚴格的人數限制。

Because there is a strict limit on numbers for each class.

2. 下午我帶女兒去上芭蕾舞和騎馬

Afternoons I spent taking my daughter to her ballet and horse-riding lessons.

3. 那次旅行是一堂困難但有價值的

That trip was a difficult but valuable lesson.

4. 她上了表演,來解決她的害羞問題。

She took acting classes to deal with her shyness.

5. 學生們總是在室外上繪畫

Students always take their painting lessons outsides.

6. 那是星期一的早上,寫作剛剛開始。

It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begun.

7. 每個人都曾經上過一堂不怎麼好的

Everyone has taken a not-so-great class at one time or another.

8. 如果你想透過那門,你最好擁有它。

You'd better have it if you want to pass that course.

9. 查理去年夏天上了程式設計

Charlie took a programming class last summer.

10. 他去年上了同樣的,我記得他有一本。

He took the same course last year, and I remember he owns a copy.


課(拼音:kè),是漢語通用規範一級字,最早見於小篆,本義是考核,引申為檢測、考核、徵收賦稅、差派勞役等義。 (基本資訊欄參考資料)



名詞 (of teaching activity) class; lesson

1. 這所大學早上8點到中午12點上課。

This university is in session from 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning.

2. 這節課不上了。

The class is called off/cancelled.

3. 學校停課放假。

Classes are suspended in the schools for holidays.

4. 英語課

English class

5. 示範課

demonstration class

6. 電腦課

class in computer studies

7. 誤了一節課

miss a class

8. 一堂課

a class/lesson

名詞 [unit of teaching time] period; class

1. 這所學校每節課上45分鐘。

Classes meet for forty-five minutes at this school.

2. 今天上午有四節課。

There are four classes this morning.

名詞 course; subject

1. 修完一門課

complete/finish a course

2. 開新課

offer a new course

3. 三門課

three subjects

名詞 [unit of teaching material] lesson

1. 今天我們上第十課。

Let's take the tenth lesson today.

2. 第五課

Lesson Five

名詞 [division or subdivision of certain administrative units] section

1. 秘書課

secretarial section

2. 會計課

accounting section

動詞 examine; test

1. 課吏

assess the achievements of an official

名詞 tax

1. 鹽課

salt tax

2. 國課

national tax

動詞 levy; collect; impose

1. 課以重稅

levy a heavy tax on sb

2. 課以罰金

impose a fine on sb

3. 課以貢賦

lay a tribute on sb

名詞 session at divination

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