繁榮的英文 繁榮用英語怎麼說?
flourishing adj.繁榮的;盛行的;繁茂的
prosperous adj.成功的;富足的;興旺的;帶來成功的
booming adj.飛速發展的;低沉有迴響的;奮力撞擊的
thriving adj.興旺的;旺盛的;繁榮的
prosper v.興旺;繁榮;成功;蓬勃發展;健康成長;使成功;使興旺
promote v.加強;增進;促進;晉升;提升;提拔;宣傳;推銷;促使(議會私法議案)透過;使(催化劑)更活潑
常用 權威
1. 虛假繁榮
false prosperity
2. 經濟繁榮
booming economy
3. 繁榮時期
prosperous period; boom
4. 帶來繁榮
bring prosperity
5. 繁榮昌盛
thriving and prosperous
6. 繁榮的市場
prosperous market
7. 促進經濟繁榮
promote economic prosperity
8. 繁榮文學創作
promote literary creation
9. 達到初步繁榮
achieve initial prosperity
10. 持久的繁榮
sustained prosperity
11. 繁榮的國家
prosperous country
12. 空前的經濟繁榮
unprecedented economic prosperity
13. 保持繁榮與穩定
maintain stability and prosperity
14. 顯示出繁榮的跡象
give indications of prosperity
15. 繁榮興旺的景象
scene of boom and prosperity
1. 人類依靠社會關係而繁榮發展。
Human beings thrive off of social connections.
2. 繁榮的城鎮幾乎在一夜之間從無到有。
Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight.
3. 實現繁榮生活的希望是不可能實現的。
The hope of achieving a thriving life is impossible to realize.
4. 英國正在為經濟繁榮做準備。
The UK is preparing for an economic boom.
5. 它們(美國城市)的房價與其繁榮有關。
Their housing prices were linked with their prosperity.
6. 沒有表現出繁榮的跡象。
Exhibited no signs of prosperity.
7. 它給該地區帶來了繁榮。
It is bringing prosperity to the region.
8. 繁榮的就業市場前景。
The prospect of a thriving job market.
9. 我們有義務來確保我們的社群繁榮穩定地發展。
We have an obligation to make sure our communities are thriving.
10. 北美頁岩氣的繁榮導致那裡的價格創下歷史新低。
The North American shale gas boom has resulted in record low prices there.
繁榮(英文:prosperous),讀音fán róng,漢語詞語,指的是昌盛、蓬勃發展,也指使繁榮。例句有“人民期望我們的國家更加繁榮昌盛”。 相關古文有“甘雨膏澤,嘉生所以繁榮也,而枯木得之以速朽。”出自晉代葛洪《抱朴子·博喻》,相關近義詞有昌隆、熱鬧、蓬勃,反義詞有淒涼、蕭條、凋敝。
形詞 flourishing; prosperous; booming; thriving
1. 文藝出現了空前的繁榮。
Our literature and art have never been so flourishing.
2. 石油市場很繁榮。
The oil market is enjoying a boom.
3. 空前的經濟繁榮
unprecedented economic prosperity
4. 工業/商業繁榮
industrial/commercial prosperity
5. 房地產業的繁榮
housing boom; boom in real estate
6. 持久的繁榮
sustained prosperity
7. 繁榮興旺的景象
scene of boom and prosperity
8. 繁榮時期
prosperous period; boom
9. 繁榮的市場
brisk/booming/prosperous/thriving market
10. 繁榮的國家
prosperous country
11. 帶來繁榮
bring prosperity
12. 達到初步繁榮
achieve initial prosperity
13. 促進經濟繁榮
promote economic boom/prosperity
動詞 prosper; promote
1. 利用外資繁榮本國經濟
fertilize the country's economy with foreign capital
2. 繁榮文藝
bring about flourishing literature and art; boost literature and art
3. 繁榮文學創作
promote literary creation