負責的英文 負責用英語怎麼說?
be responsible for 對...負責;是...的原因
be in charge of 負責;掌管
conscientious adj.憑良心辦事的;認真的;勤勤懇懇的;負責的;盡責的;認真負責的;憑良心的;與良心有關的
responsible adj.負責…的;對… 有責任的;有義務的;負責的;可靠的;有責任能力的;承擔(譴責或表揚)的;對(上級或領導者)負責的;對負道德責任的;有責任感的
常用 權威
1. 負責人
person in charge
2. 個人負責
individual/private responsibility; individual liability; solo responsibility
3. 課題負責人
project leader
4. 勇於負責
be brave in shouldering responsibilities
5. 廠長負責制
system of overall responsibility by the factory manager; system of the factory director assuming full charge
6. 集體負責制
system of collective responsibility;collective responsibility system
7. 分工負責
division of labour with individual responsibility
8. 經理負責制
manager responsibility system
9. 行政負責制
administrative responsibility system
10. 企業法人負責制
enterprise legal person responsibility system
11. 對事故負責
answer for an accident
12. 對自己的行為負責
be responsible for one's action
13. 對後果負責
answer for the consequences
14. 把工程負責到底
see the project through
15. 負責任的大國
responsible major country
16. 為過錯負責任
be liable for the faults
17. 建立一個負責任的政府
establish an accountable government
1. 這有助於使他們成為負責任的人。
It helps to make responsible people out of them.
2. 作為學生,我們應當對自己負責。
As students, we should be responsible for ourselves.
3. 不過,那裡的人開車確實很負責任。
People there do drive responsibly, though.
4. 他們自己負責解決這個問題。
They are responsible for working through that problem.
5. 製造商負責確保安全,並對事故負責。
Manufacturers take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents.
6. 追查對恐怖襲擊負責的組織。
Track down the organization responsible for the terrorist attack.
7. 他們傾向於負責任地駕駛。
They tend to drive responsibly.
8. 你的朋友也要為上癮負責。
Your friends are also responsible for the addiction.
9. 負責起草指導方針的機構具備專業知識。
Its agencies in charge of drafting the guidelines have the expertise.
10. 保羅·比爾,萊姆彭港犀牛部門的負責人。
Paul Beer, head of rhino section at Port Lympne.
負責,拼音:fù zé,漢語詞語,釋義:擔負責任。
動詞 be responsible for; be in charge of; take charge (of)
1. 對差錯和遺漏概不負責。
No liability is undertaken for any error or omission.
2. 他承認應對該事故負責。
He admitted his liability for the accident.
3. 集體負責制
system of collective responsibility
4. 直接對人民負責
be directly accountable/responsible to the people
5. 對自己的行為負責
be responsible for one's action
6. 對後果負責
answer for the consequences
7. 把工程負責到底
see the project through
8. 負責維護治安
be responsible for the preservation of law and order
9. 負責外事工作
be in charge of international programmes/foreign affairs
形詞 conscientious; responsible
1. 他做事很負責。
He always conducts himself responsibly.
2. 她說這話是很不負責的。
It was irresponsible of her to say this.