順利的英文 順利用英語怎麼說?
favourable adj.表示讚許的;稱讚的;有利的;贊同的;表示同意的;朝著行進方向吹的;順的;晴好的;預示著好結果的;前景看好的
smooth adj.光滑的;平滑的;醇和的;不苦的;均勻的;細膩的;無風浪的;平靜的;平穩的
successful adj.成功的;有成就的;受歡迎的;賺了錢的
常用 權威
1. 順利分娩
have an easy delivery
2. 進展順利
go smoothly
3. 順利的接管
smooth takeover
4. 保證順利交接
ensure a smooth transfer
1. 然而,這條路並沒有我想象的那麼順利。
However, the path wasn't as smooth as I thought.
2. 我覺得面試進行得很順利。
I think the interview went very well.
3. 她說大象的出生很順利,沒有任何併發症。
She said the elephant's birth went smoothly and that there were no complications.
4. 聽起來一切都很順利。
It sounds like everything goes well.
5. 華為的業務發展順利。
Huawei has developed its business smoothly.
6. 簡單的手術進展順利,這名婦女已經完全康復。
The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully.
7. 假設一切順利,機場將於2020年10月開放。
Assuming all goes well, the airport should open in October 2020.
8. 一切都進行得很順利,直到Jeff開始煎麵包。
Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread.
9. 如果一切順利的話,完成這個專案大約需要兩天時間。
It'll take about two days to finish the project if everything goes smoothly (順利地).
10. 這就是為什麼我們歡迎 Musk 先生的最新嘗試,並祝他一切順利。
That is why we welcome Mr. Musk's latest venture, and wish him well.
順利,讀音shùn lì,漢語詞語,意思是指順從獲利的規律。泛指順應事物的規律。
形詞 favourable; smooth; successful
1. 我很順利地找到了他。
I found him without a hitch/without much trouble.
2. 找房子不很順利吧?
Did you have much trouble (in) finding this house?
3. 一切順利。
Everything goes smoothly.
4. 順利透過考試
sail through one's exams; pass the exam successfully
5. 順利進行
proceed with smooth progress; go/fare well