石頭的英文 石頭用英語怎麼說?
stone n.石頭;石塊;墓碑;紀念碑;界碑;果核;英石;石青色;褐灰色;(Stone)人名:斯通
rock n.岩石;巖;巨石;礫石;卵石;強壯的人;堅如磐石的事物;可靠的人;冷酷無情的人;強硬的事物;錢財;搖滾樂;輕輕搖動;輕輕搖擺;輕輕搖晃
常用 權威
1. 石頭碎塊
rock fragments
2. 摜石頭
throw a stone
3. 拋石頭
throw stones
4. 鑿石頭
cut stone
5. 一堆石頭
a pile of stones
6. 石頭子兒
cobble; pebble; rubble
7. 雞蛋碰石頭
(like) an egg striking a rock―attack sb far stronger than oneself; court destruction
8. 兩大疙瘩石頭
two big stones
9. 光滑的石頭
smooth-faced stone
10. 像石頭一樣堅硬
be as hard as stone
11. 以石頭堙洪水
check the flood with stones
1. 他們被突然落下的石頭砸傷了。
They were injured by suddenly falling rocks.
2. 男孩把石頭帶回家,因為他想擦亮它。
The boy took the stone home because he wanted to polish it.
3. 羅傑搬起一塊石頭,打碎了擋風玻璃。
Roger lifted a rock and broke the windscreen.
4. 當他把石頭給他們看時,他們都很驚訝。
When he showed the stone to them, they were amazed.
5. 這是一座高大的石頭結構。
This was a tall stone structure.
6. 我怕石頭反彈,只要你活著就會傷到你!
I am afraid the stone will rebound (反彈) and hurt you as long as you live!
7. \誰把這塊石頭放在路中央的?\農夫說。
\Who put this stone in the center of the road?\ said the farmer.
8. 我們的客戶通常想要一種特殊設計的石頭。
Our clients usually want a special kind of stone cut in a special design.
9. 她家門前的大門是用石頭和舊玻璃瓶做的。
And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.
10. 他們都抱怨這塊石頭,但是沒有人搬走它。
All of them complained about the stone, but no one removed it.
石頭(原名:王卓實,1976年11月14日-),中國男歌手,出生于吉林,畢業於吉林省戲曲學院。 2010年參加中央電視臺《星光大道》出道,並以一曲《雨花石》唱響全國,其獨特的高音及聲線深受歌迷喜愛。2011年以來石頭多次受邀參加中央電視臺春節聯歡晚會、元宵晚會、跨年晚會、元旦晚會等國內重大活動。
名詞 stone; rock
1. 感覺好像一塊石頭落了地
feel as though a load has been taken off one's mind
2. 上古時代人們用石頭製造工具。
In ancient times, men made tools out of stone.
3. 像石頭一樣堅硬
be as hard as stone
4. 鑿石頭
cut stone
5. 一塊石頭
a stone;a piece of stone; a piece of rock
6. 一堆石頭
a pile of stones