走的英文 走用英語怎麼說?
run v.跑;奔;奔忙;透過;傳遞;迅速傳播;傳開;流動;行駛;管理;經營;負責;開動;操作;運轉;繼續;持續;具有法律效力;起作用;競選;當候選人;出版;刊登;被出版;被刊登;偷運;走私;花費
walk v.走;步行;使行走;使…行走似的移動;散步;行走;漫步;處事;沿(某線路)步行
go v.行走;去;離開;啟程;想要;可能要;打算成為;打算做;將;變成;進行;有…結果;最後是;和諧;互補;相配;運轉;工作;通常被放在;上廁所;拉屎;撒尿
leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走
go away 離開, 帶走
be gone 消失了
pass away 逝去, 消逝, 消磨
leak v.漏;滲漏;漏出;滲入;洩露;有意透露
reveal v.透露;暴露;洩露;揭示;揭露;使顯露;展現;顯示;啟示
let out 放出, 釋放
visit v.訪問;拜訪;使某人遭受;參觀;探望;視察;檢查;巡視;閒聊;遊覽
call on 要求;號召;拜訪(某人)
常用 權威
1. 大步走
walk with big strides
2. 持球走
travel (as in basketball)
3. 走遠道
walk far
4. 趕緊走
hurry along
5. 走正路
follow the correct path
6. 走歪路
resort to crooked means
7. 走紅地毯
walk the red carpet
8. 走旱路
travel by land
9. 走南門
use the south entrance
10. 走海路
travel by sea
11. 走水路
go by water
12. 下蹲走
low walk
13. 鏟走
shovel away
14. 練習走臺步
practise stage walk
15. 跟著感覺走
follow one's gut feelings
16. 跛著走
walk lame; limp along
17. 走將出來
walk out
18. 踮起腳走
walk on tiptoe
19. 走抄道
take a shortcut
20. 走這般快
go this fast
1. 我現在不能告訴你——我要走了!
I can't tell you now—I have to bounce!
2. 在這個趨勢上,日本走在了前面。
Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend.
3. 下雪天你應該慢慢走,以免摔倒。
You should walk slowly in snowy weather so that you will not fall over.
4. 母鯨試圖讓鯨魚幼崽和它一起走。
The mother whale tried to get the calf to come with her.
5. 這位女士買了一把梯子就走了。
The woman bought a ladder and left.
6. 一直往前走,大約走三個街區。
Go straight ahead and walk about three blocks.
7. 薩姆感到沮喪,就一個人走了。
Sam felt blue and left alone.
8. 但我不敢開啟它,直到我走到外面。
But I was afraid to open it until I was outside.
9. 朝這些岔路口走,然後想辦法出去。
Head toward these breaks to find a way out.
10. 許多專家認為走上坡路是最明智的。
Many experts feel it's wisest to walk uphill.
動詞 run
動詞 walk; go
動詞 leave; go away; be gone
動詞 pass away
動詞 (of objects) move; run
動詞 leak; reveal; let out
動詞 depart from the original; lose the original shape, flavour, etc
動詞 do sth in some way
動詞 visit; call on