買的英文 買用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-24


buy v.買;購;接受;相信;死亡;買到;獲得;收買;換得;買下…的所有權

purchase v.購買;升起;舉起;獲得;得到

bribe v.向…行賄;賄賂;收買;買通

常用 權威



1. 打總兒買

buy wholesale

2. 買選票

buy a vote

3. 買船票

buy space on a ship

4. 買契稅

title deed tax

5. 買國貨

buy native goods

6. 買回價

buy-back price; buyback rate

7. 買一輛新車

purchase a new car

8. 按重量買

buy sth by weight

9. 以半價買

buy sth at 50% off

10. 買幾塊料子

buy a few dress lengths

11. 現付現買

pay cash on the barrel (for sth)

12. 買半頭豬肉

buy half of a pig

13. 買一塊布

buy a piece of cloth

14. 買現成貨

buy something ready-made

15. 買一個筆端可以伸縮的圓珠筆

buy a retractable ballpoint pen


1. 你可以很多美麗的義大利服裝。

You can buy a lot of gorgeous Italian clothes.

2. 他們從東西中獲得更大的樂趣。

They derive greater pleasure from buying things.

3. 他想給他媽媽一份生日禮物。

He wanted to buy a gift for his mother's birthday.

4. 他們幾瓶眼藥水來保持眼睛溼潤。

They buy bottles of eye drops to keep their eyes wet.

5. 軍官給Sisu了只獨角獸。

The officer bought Sisu the unicorn.

6. 當地農民了60噸蔬菜送到武漢。

The local farmers bought 60 tons of vegetables and sent them to Wuhan.

7. 為新健身房一些健身器材。

Buying some fitness equipment for the new gym.

8. 我們不能推遲為公司一臺新印表機。

We can't put off buying a new printer for our company.

9. 我明天去市場我們需要的所有東西。

I'll go to the market tomorrow to buy all the things we'll need.

10. 媽媽生日那天,我給她了一條褲子。

On my mother's birthday, I bought a pair of trousers for her.


買,是會意字,拼音:mǎi,注音:ㄇㄞˇ,釋義:1. 拿錢換東西,與“賣”相對:~賣;~辦(①中國明代專指對宮廷供應用品的商人;②鴉片戰爭後指外國商人在中國市場上推銷商品的代理人);~名;~好;~笑(舊指到妓院尋歡作樂);~主;~方;~春(買酒,唐代酒名多帶“春”字)2. 招致:~禍。3. 姓:買姓。 《說文》,“買,市也”。買原本兼有買賣之義,後來另造賣,買只剩買入之義。 買,本為會意字,繁體寫作“買”。甲骨文從網,從貝,會“以網取貝”之意。金文大同。篆文齊整化。隸變後楷書寫作“買”,如今簡化作“買”。引申為購買、交易。

買 回族中的買姓,取自祖上回回名首音,如“買述丁之後裔姓買”(《伊斯蘭教民族說》)。



動詞 buy; purchase

1. 這種紙是買得到的。

This kind of paper is commercially available.

2. 我買不起這臺多媒體電腦。

I can't afford this multimedia computer.

3. 兩塊錢買三個,真便宜。

Two yuan can buy three pieces; it's really cheap.

4. 以極低廉的價格買下

buy sth for a penny

5. 按重量買

buy sth by weight

6. 按打/盒買

buy sth by the dozen/box

7. 買得便宜

buy sth cheap

8. 買得合算

be a good buy

9. 買得不合算

be a bad buy

10. 五百元買下這輛腳踏車

buy the bike for 500 yuan

11. 給某人買東西

buy sb sth; buy sth for sb

12. 買一輛新車

purchase a new car

13. 買國貨

buy domestic/national products

14. 買房子

buy a house/flat

15. 買二手貨

buy/get sth second-hand; buy used goods

16. 買東西

buy things; do shopping; go shopping

17. 買保險/股票

buy insurance/stocks

動詞 bribe; buy over

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