長的英文 長用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-27


lasting adj.持久的;長久的

surplus n.剩餘;過剩;盈餘;順差;超淨資產

remainder n.剩餘部分;有待繼承產權;指定繼承產權;未來繼承產權;殘餘權;其餘;其餘部分;餘數;剩書

older adj.較年長的;較舊的;(old的比較級)

elder adj.年齡較大的;較老的

senior adj.較年長的;年齡大些的;高階的;高職的;老;最高級別的;職位高於;大於一定年齡(通常為11歲)的學童的;大學最後一年的;大於一定年齡的

oldest adj.最老的;最久的;最舊的;(old的最高階)

eldest adj.年齡最大的;最老的

length n.長度;長;一段;一片;程度;球距;時間長度;身高

strong point 強項;支撐點;有力的論點

forte n.特長;專長;劍身強部;劍身最堅固部分;強音演奏部分

chief n.首領;酋長;上段;老闆;頭兒;最高長官;長官;主帶

head n.頭;頭部;前部;頂部;頭兒;首領;領袖;中心詞;主導詞;人;磁頭;蓄水高度;水頭;廁所;岩礁;(Head)人名:海德

leader n.領導者;領袖;領奏者;領唱者;報紙社論;空白段;頂枝;指向符;帶頭者;議會聯絡官

be good at 擅長於

be proficient in 精通;熟練;通曉

grow v.生長;成長;發育;增大;發展;增加;逐漸變得;變得越來越;種植;形成

develop v.成長;發育;發展;產生;感受;具有;使…顯影;開發土地;利用土地資源

come into being 形成, 產生

form n.形狀;輪廓;存在形式;表現形式;種類;型別;常規;規矩;表格;年級;競技狀態;長板凳;窩

enhance v.增強;提高…的質量

increase v.增長;增加;增進;增強

常用 權威



1. 長犄角

grow horns

2. 炊事長

chief cook; chef

3. 長智齒

cut one's wisdom teeth

4. 抻長

lengthen by stretching

5. 一樣長

be of the same length

6. 鼓手長

drum major

7. 長鋏

long sword

8. 長柄勺

dipper; ladle

9. 長個兒

grow in stature

10. 長圓臉

oval face

11. 長鏈烴

long chain hydrocarbon

12. 長號手


13. 長號筒

clung-chen [a brass instrument used in Buddhist monasteries in Tibet]

14. 圓周長

perimeter (of a circle); circumference

15. 監察長


16. 港務局長

harbour master

17. 長焦距鏡頭

telelens; long-focus lens; telephoto lens

18. 三十公尺長

30 metres long

19. 長跨度橋樑

long-span bridge

20. 長日照植物

long-day plant


1. 穿山甲的頭很小,尾巴又又寬。

Pangolins have small heads and long, broad tails.

2. 一根大約十英尺的梁倒在地上。

A beam about ten feet long collapsed to the ground.

3. 從地裡出來之後,它破殼而出。

After coming out of the ground, it breaks out of its old shell.

4. 額頭上有兩個大眼睛,中間是喙。

On the forehead are two big eyes, between which is a long beak.

5. 性格隨和的人也能活得比較

Easy-going people can also live a relatively long life.

6. 長城8000公里,寬15公里。

The wall is 8, 000 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide.

7. 這座玻璃橋比世界上任何一座都

The glass bridge is longer than any other one in the world.

8. 他生來就著一張奇怪的臉。

He was born with a strange-looking face.

9. 鯨鯊有50到60英尺

The whale shark is 50 to 60 feet long.

10. 尼羅河有4135英里

The Nile River is 4,135 miles long.






形詞 (of distance) long

1. 她戴著長長的假睫毛。

She wore long false eyelashes.

2. 前方的路仍然很長。

The road ahead is still very long.

3. 長髮/腿

long hair/legs

形詞 (of time) long; lasting

1. 現在是五月,開始感到晝長夜短。

It's May and the days are gaining on the nights. / It's May and the days are getting longer and the nights shorter.

2. 這部片子真長。

It's really a long film.

3. 很長時間

(for) quite a long time; (for) a considerable length of time

4. 長時間地工作

work long hours

名詞 length

1. 這條隧道有多長?

How long is this tunnel?

2. 這張桌子長兩米。

The table is two metres long.

3. 這篇短篇小說長約五千字。

This short story is about 5,000 words long.

4. 這條高速公路全長166公里。

The expressway covers a distance of 166 kilometres.

5. 一樣長

be of the same length

6. 全長

have a total/an entire/an aggregate length (of)

7. 長達

reach/attain a length (of); be as long as

名詞 strong point; forte

1. 人各有所長。

Everyone has his own strong points.

2. 取人之長,補己之短

overcome one's shortcomings by learning from other's strong points

動詞 be good at; be proficient in

形詞 )surplus; remainder

動詞 grow; develop

1. 植物長根。

Plants grow roots.

2. 這孩子長得真壯實。

The child is really sturdy.

3. 長得快

grow fast

形詞 older; elder; senior

1. 他長我三歲。

He is three years older than me./ He is three years my senior./ He is my senior by three years./ He is three years senior to me.

形詞 oldest; eldest

名詞 elder; senior person

名詞 chief; head; leader

動詞 come into being; begin to grow; form

動詞 enhance; increase

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