吸引的英文 吸引用英語怎麼說?
attract v.引來;吸引;引起;誘惑;激起;使(人)產生興趣
draw v.繪製;勾畫;畫;拉;拖;拔出;抽出;取出;排出;引出;引起;激起;以平局結束;使(球)朝預定的目標作弧線運動;(船)吃水;(帆)吃飽風
fascinate v.使著迷;使神魂顛倒;強烈地吸引;以眼神震懾;使無法動彈
appeal to 上訴;呼籲;對...有吸引力;利用...
captivate v.使入迷;迷住
aspirate v.送氣發;從血管中抽吸;為…供應空氣;吸入;在一個詞的開頭髮h音;從(血管;體腔)中抽吸體液
常用 權威
1. 吸引器
2. 吸引力
appeal; (force of) attraction
3. 吸引子
4. 吸引配偶
attract a mate
5. 吸引投資
attract investment
6. 吸引外資
attract foreign funds
7. 吸引投資者
attract investors
8. 吸引買主
attract buyers
9. 吸引眼球
attract eyeballs
10. 吸引作用
suction effect
11. 廣告吸引力
appeal of advertising
12. 吸引資金
attract capital
13. 人際吸引
interpersonal attraction
14. 吸引術
15. 吸引公眾注意力
attract public attention
16. 吸引敵軍主力
draw the enemy's main force
17. 遺傳性性吸引
genetic sexual attraction (GSA)
18. 吸引對方犯規
draw a foul
19. 具有無比的吸引力
have unbeatable attraction
20. 吸引了眾多戲迷
attract a lot of theatre-goers
1. 對吸引力的判斷往往是無意識的。
Judgement of attractiveness is often unconscious (無意識的).
2. 近年來,它並沒有吸引多少遊客。
It has not attracted many tourists in recent years.
3. 它們吸引了想要過得更好的移居者。
They attract migrants who want to be better off.
4. 節目中的食物看起來真的很吸引人。
The food in the show looks really attractive.
5. 威靈頓本人的故事也深深吸引著我。
The story of Wellington himself also gripped me.
6. 他們更專注於吸引他們目光的東西。
They are more absorbed in what catches their eye.
7. 儘管情商的持續流行吸引力是可取的。
Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable.
8. 低價商品會吸引更多的顧客。
Lower-priced goods attract more customers.
9. 我們被寵物吸引,因為寵物不會撒謊。
We are drawn to our pets because pets do not lie.
10. 他們沒有成熟品牌的吸引力。
They don't have the appeal of an established name.
動詞 attract; draw; fascinate; appeal to; captivate
1. 我的注意力馬上被那座建築物吸引住了。
My attention was engaged at once by the building.
2. 他的眼睛立刻被那個漂亮姑娘吸引住了。
His gaze was immediately drawn towards the pretty girl.
3. 這位球員曾吸引過許多球迷。
The player was the magnet that drew many fans.
4. 這項計劃不吸引人。
The project is not attractive.
5. 完全被吸引住了
be totally taken with(sth); be completely engrossed by
6. 被深深地吸引
be fascinated by; be absorbed by/with; be intensely drawn to
7. 人際吸引
interpersonal attraction
8. 吸引注意力
take/absorb/attract sb's attention; steal the spotlight
9. 吸引異性的注意
attract the attention of the other sex
10. 吸引眼球
attract eyeballs
11. 吸引外資
attract foreign capital/funds/investment
12. 吸引投資者
attract investors
13. 吸引一批不同年齡的觀眾
draw a varied audience
14. 吸引對方犯規
draw a foul
15. 吸引敵軍主力
draw the enemy's main force
動詞 suck (air or fluid) from a body cavity; remove by suction; aspirate