角落的英文 角落用英語怎麼說?
corner n.角;隱僻處;偏遠處;角球;踢角球;場角;街角;拐角;壟斷;絕路;囤積居奇
nook n.隱蔽處;角落
常用 權威
1. 每個角落
every nook and cranny
2. 黑暗的角落
murky corners;dark corner
3. 窩縮在角落裡
huddle in a corner
4. 在黝黯的角落裡
in a dark corner
1. 客廳的角落裡有一架舊鋼琴。
There is an old piano in the corner of the living room.
2. 這並不是說遠端醫療已經進入了醫學的所有角落。
None of this is to say that telemedicine has found its way into all corners of medicine.
3. 所以我呆在角落裡,低著頭,好像我不在乎似的。
So I stayed in the corner, hanging my head low as if I didn't care.
4. 當她指著靠近窗戶的角落時,她的聲音柔和而自信。
Her voice was soft but confident as she pointed to the corner near the windows.
5. 她領著我經過一排又一排的書,來到圖書館的一個角落。
She led me past row after row of books, to a corner of the library.
6. 在房子的角落放著一臺電視機。
There was a television set in the corner of the room.
7. 他的英雄事蹟傳遍了祖國的每一個角落。
His heroic deeds spread throughout our country.
8. 他神情怫然地坐在角落裡。
He sat glowering in the corner.
9. 她蜷縮在一個角落裡稍事休息。
She curled up in a corner to get some rest.
10. 人們被硬擠進狹窄的角落裡。
People were shoehorned into cramped corners.
角落(英文:corner),讀音為jiǎo luò,漢語詞語。指房屋等兩牆交接處之一隅,泛指方形物件的一角;也可以指某一地方,處所,偏僻之所。例句為“經過警察的仔細搜查,終於在隱蔽的角落裡發現了大批贓物”。 相關古文有“謂槨前後及兩旁樹之,角落相望,故云四角。” 出自《禮記·檀弓下》。近義詞有四周,反義詞有當中。
《角落》是2011年上映的中國情感電影,由張敬雯執導,陳天洋、章一笑等主演。 《角落》講述了一群沒有多大的文化平凡的普通人的愛情故事。
名詞 corner
1. 在房子的角落放著一臺電視機。
There was a television set in the corner of the room.
2. 找遍每一個角落
search every nook and cranny; search high and low
名詞 nook; remote place
1. 他的英雄事蹟傳遍了祖國的每一個角落。
His heroic deeds spread throughout our country.
2. 溫暖舒適的角落
cosy/snug corner
3. 偏僻的角落
out-of-the-way corner/place
4. 黑暗的角落
murky corners