出去的英文 出去用英語怎麼說?
be out 不在家;(燈、火、煤氣等)熄滅;拔出
常用 權威
1. 溜出去
slip out
2. 嫁不出去
be left on the shelf
3. 出去散步
go out for a walk
4. 說出去
let sth out
5. 跟著某人出去
follow sb out
6. 大模大樣地走出去
walk out with a swagger
7. 把渣子潷出去
strain the sediment out
8. 把活兒發包出去
contract a job out
9. 把房子典出去
mortgage a house
10. 把爛蘋果剔出去
pick out the rotten apples
1. 如果你想晚上出去也是你的選擇。
It's also your choice if you want to go out at night.
2. 桑德拉,請你出去的時候記得鎖門!
Sandra, remember to lock the door when you go out, please!
3. 朝這些岔路口走,然後想辦法出去。
Head toward these breaks to find a way out.
4. 昨天我和雪萊出去吃飯時吃了烤雞。
I had roast chicken yesterday when I ate out with Shelly.
5. 就站在一邊,讓人出去,然後再進去。
Just stand aside, let people out, and then get in.
6. 一聽到這話,莉莉就沒命地跑了出去。
On hearing this, Lily ran out as fast as her legs could carry her.
7. 他跑出去,但顧客已經走了。
He ran outside but the customer was gone.
8. 我和媽媽剛要出去,天就開始下雨了。
Mum and I were just going out when it began to rain.
9. 放學後你最好不要沒告訴父母就出去玩。
You'd better not hang out after school without telling your parents.
10. 把剩下的衣服都捐出去。
Donate whatever clothes are left over.
◎ 出去 chūqù(1) [go out](2) 走出某一範圍我決定出去,到體育場稱體重並在那裡買張票(3) 出門。離開某人通常工作、生活的地方每天傍晚出去(4) [turn out]∶應召或應邀而去出去練足球
動詞 go/get out
1. 天氣惡劣,我們整個星期都沒出去。
We were kept indoors all week by bad weather.
2. 出去散步
go out for a walk
動詞 be out [used after a verb, indicating outward motion]
1. 滾出去!
Out you go!
2. 把他趕出去!
Out with him! / Turn him out!
3. 送出去
show/see sb out
4. 說出去
let sth out
5. 溜出去
slip out
6. 趕/踢出去
drive/kick sb out (of)
7. 搬/拿出去
move/take sth out (of)