吹的英文 吹用英語怎麼說?
blow v.吹;吹動;吹氣;把…炸飛;大手大腳的花費;揮霍;糟蹋;把…搞糟;見鬼;真倒黴;開花;在開花
puff n.一陣;泡芙;吹捧性述評;粉撲;噗的一聲;一噴;對(菸斗;香菸;雪茄的)猛吸;呼吸;泡泡襉;蓬鬆隆起的卷繞髮型
flatter v.吹捧;對(人)濫用溢美之詞;奉承;討好;諂媚;失真地美化;使感到榮幸;自以為是;能突顯某人的優點;美化
compliment n.恭維;讚美;稱讚;讚揚;敬意;祝賀;問候;尊重;致意
常用 權威
1. 吹蝕坑
2. 吹氣球
blow up a balloon;blow up a balloon
3. 吹口氣
give a puff
4. 白族吹吹腔
Bai opera tunes/melodies/music
5. 吹過頭
blow out of proportion
6. 吹口琴
play the mouth organ
7. 吹玻璃
blow glass
8. 吹制工
9. 吹制機
blowing machine
10. 吹藥器
11. 吹薩克斯管
play the saxophone
12. 吹泡泡糖
blow a gum bubble
13. 吹長笛
play (on) the flute
14. 吹蠟燭
blow at a candle
15. 吹螺號
blow a shell trumpet
16. 吹製法
blowing method
17. 用口哨兒吹一支曲子
whistle a tune
18. 用口哨吹一首流行的曲子
whistle a popular tune
1. 暴風雨把船向西吹了好幾天。
The storm blew the ship west for several days.
2. 我走上那艘在海難中被吹到海灘上的船。
I went to the ship's boat that was blown onto the beach in the shipwreck.
3. 我們所知的波浪主要是由吹過海面的風產生的。
The waves we know are mostly produced by winds blowing over the sea.
4. 另外,風不是一直在吹,所以我們不能一直使用風力。
Also, wind doesn't blow all the time, so we can't use wind power all the time.
5. 無人駕駛飛機可能會飛走,並被噴氣流捲住,然後被吹走。
Drones can become flyaways, and can be caught up on a jet stream (噴氣流) and blown away.
6. 黑暗中他吹著口哨給自己壯膽。
He whistled in the dark to build up his courage.
7. 總之,整個計劃都吹了。
In a word, the whole plan fell through/ended in failure.
8. 我的傘給吹得翻過去了。
My umbrella was blown inside out.
9. 風在他們耳邊颼颼地吹。
The wind whistled round them.
10. 風把船吹得往左舷傾斜。
The wind canted the ship to port.
吹(讀音:chuī),漢語漢字,總筆畫7畫,左右結構。作動詞時,指合攏嘴唇用力呼氣;也指颳風;又指說大話,自誇。組詞為吹牛、吹噓。 該漢字相關古文有“吹,噓也。”出自《說文》。
動詞 blow; puff
1. 吹滅/熄
blow/puff out (a candle, lamp, etc)
2. 吹氣球
blow up a balloon
3. 吹泡泡
blow bubbles
4. 吹蠟燭
blow at a candle
5. 吹口氣
give a puff
6. 吹火
blow a fire
動詞 play (wind instruments)
1. 吹號角/喇叭
blow the horn/trumpet
2. 吹笛子
play the flute
動詞 boast/brag (about/of); crow (about)
1. 吹過頭
blow out of proportion
動詞 break up/off; (of plans) fall through
1. 總之,整個計劃都吹了。
In a word, the whole plan fell through/ended in failure.
2. 我和男朋友吹了。
I have broken up/finished with my boyfriend. / My boyfriend and I are through. / I am through with my boyfriend.
動詞 flatter; compliment
1. 他們把他吹上了天。
They praised him to the skies.
動詞 (of wind) blow