讀後感的英文 讀後感用英語怎麼說?
thoughts/comments on reading a book, an article, etc
常用 權威
1. 我知道我以前佈置的讀後感都很難。
I know I've been giving difficult reading responses.
2. 好了,下週的作業是一篇簡單的讀後感。
Okay. The reading response for next week is a simple one.
3. 讓學生寫簡單的讀後感。
Write something about your feelings after reading.
4. 她批評了這名男生,並要求他重做一篇讀後感。
She admonished the boy and asked him to redo his entry.
5. 想當初我也挺熱愛看書挺熱愛和人分享讀後感的呢!
At first I also love reading books very very loving and book review to share it!
6. 此外,也可要求學生分享閱讀某些指定漫畫的讀後感.
We can also get students to share their thoughts on the comics.
7. 你也可寫些讀後感,給書打分或透過標籤來給它們分類。
You can also write reviews, rate the books orcategorize them using tags.
8. 請看一下你的第二份作業也就是讀後感想I,你覺得這份作業的優點在哪?
Please look at your second assignment, reading reflection I, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?
9. 到那時,你就可以從書架上層把它取下來,擦掉上面的灰塵,然後跟我說說你的讀後感。
You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it.
10. 這本書的讀後感,我並不願意介紹其他的內容,而是說說裡面的垃圾危機這一重頭章節的讀後體會。
I am definitely unwilling to discuss other content from this book, but I do want to talk about my experience after reading the chapter on the garbage crisis.
讀後感是指讀了一本書,一篇文章,一段話,幾句名言,一段音樂,把具體感受和得到的啟示寫成的文章。 讀後感也可以叫做讀書筆記,是一種常用的應用文體,也是應用寫作研究的文體之一。簡單說就是看完書後的感觸。
《讀後感》雜誌創刊於2010年3月1日,半月刊,每月一號十五號定期發行,創刊人邵傑。 該雜誌內容皆為原創,致力於推動中國教育的發展,鼓勵大眾在寫作中學習,在學習中有所成就,已出版散文集《我們讀世界》。
名詞 thoughts/comments on reading a book, an article, etc