決心的英文 決心用英語怎麼說?
determination n.堅定不移;堅決;果斷;測定;確定;控制;決定;終止;移動的趨勢;判決
resolution n.決心;決定;解決;分解;解析度;分辨能力;堅決;果斷;正式決定;決議
resolve v.解決;決定;決心;解析;分解;解離;辨析;使(症狀、病情)消散;消退;治癒
常用 權威
1. 決心書
written pledge
2. 決心戒菸
resolve to stop smoking
3. 表明決心
declare one's determination
4. 無比的決心
tremendous determination
1. 他很失望,但決心籌集更多的錢。
He was disappointed, but determined to raise more money.
2. 我們有決心,我們一直在努力。
We had determination, and we kept on trying.
3. 人們似乎下定決心要打掃他們的家。
People seemed determined to clean up their homes.
4. 這些都讓他更加堅定了成功的決心
These made him all the more determined to succeed.
5. 所以他下定決心要在農村建自己的家。
So he made up his mind to build his own home in the countryside.
6. 很多決心都與自我提升有關。
Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.
7. 琳達下定決心學習演奏一種樂器是明智的。
It is wise of Linda to make up her mind to learn to play an instrument.
8. 聖何塞的領導人決心確保該市恢復其地位。
Leaders in San Jose are determined to make sure that the city regains its status.
9. 他的決心促使他根據讀者的品味調整報紙。
His determination pushed him to adjust the newspapers according to the readers' taste.
10. 這需要決心和一心一意。
It requires determination and single-mindedness.
名詞 determination; resolution; resolve
1. 我們有決心,也有能力。
We have the determination and capability as well.
2. 他們的反對反而增強了她堅持下去的決心。
Their opposition only strengthened her resolve not to give in.
3. 下定決心
make up one's mind (to do sth); come to a resolution; make a firm resolve (to do sth)
4. 改變決心
break one's resolve; change one's resolution
5. 動搖/堅定決心
shake/harden one's resolve
6. 表決心
express firm determination (to do sth)
動詞 be determined/resolved (to do sth); resolve (to do/on doing sth)
1. 我們決心抵抗到底。
We resolved that we would resist to the end.
2. 決心戒菸
resolve to stop smoking
3. 決心改正錯誤
be determined to correct one's mistakes