混亂的英文 混亂用英語怎麼說?
confused adj.不能清晰思考的;昏亂的;糊塗的;迷惑的;不知所措的;困惑的;混亂的;混淆的;亂七八糟的;神志不清的
chaotic adj.混亂的;混沌的
disorderly adj.沒條理的;凌亂的;製造混亂的;造成騷亂的
常用 權威
1. 交通混亂
dislocated traffic
2. 更加混亂
be more confounded
3. 思路混亂
confused train of thought
4. 引起混亂
occasion confusion
5. 思想混亂
muddled thinking
6. 金融混亂
financial chaos
7. 混亂的經濟政策
chaotic economic policy
1. 說服他們澄清他們所造成的混亂。
Persuade them to clarify the confusion they have caused.
2. 再一次,我對造成的混亂和麻煩表示抱歉。
Once again, I'm sorry for the confusion and trouble caused.
3. 食品過期標籤上的混亂
A) The confusion over food expiration labels.
4. 儘管面臨混亂,磚瓦建築在短期內不會消失。
Despite the turmoil, brick and mortar won't disappear any time soon.
5. 蒂姆·哈福德是《混亂:無序改變我們生活的力量》一書的作者。
Tim Harford is author of Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives.
6. 政府的垮臺使國家陷入一片混亂。
The collapse of the government left the country in chaos.
7. 由於發生事故,交通狀況混亂。
Traffic conditions were chaotic as a result of the accident. / Traffic was dislocated by the accident.
8. 他目前的思想狀態很混亂。
He is in a rather confused state of mind.
9. 難怪我們今天一片混亂。
It’s little wonder we are in a big mess today.
10. 高熱使病人神志混亂。
The patient’s high fever made him delirious.
混亂(英文:muddledness),讀音為hùn luàn,漢語詞語,指的是無條理,無秩序;也指不安定。例句為“兩方代表紛爭不休,現場一片混亂。” 相關近義詞有凌亂、紊亂、蕪雜。相關反義詞有姜然、安寧、平靜。
形詞 confused; chaotic; disorderly
1. 由於發生事故,交通狀況混亂。
Traffic conditions were chaotic as a result of the accident. / Traffic was dislocated by the accident.
2. 爆炸後發生混亂。
A pandemonium broke out after the blast.
3. 思想混亂
muddled thinking
4. 思路混亂
confused train of thought
5. 交通混亂
dislocated traffic
6. 混亂局面
chaotic state/situation
7. 混亂的經濟政策
chaotic economic policy
8. 陷入混亂
be thrown into chaos/confusion/disorder