粗魯的英文 粗魯用英語怎麼說?
rough adj.不平滑的;粗糙的;不平整的;不平坦的;粗魯的;粗暴的;粗野的;粗俗的;未完成的;未加工的;粗製的;簡易的;基本的
rude adj.無禮的;粗魯的;粗野的;有活力的;粗壯的;強健的;粗製的;製作粗糙的;簡陋的;技術不精的;拙劣的
crude adj.天然的;未加工的;未提煉的;粗製的;簡陋的;粗俗的;粗魯的;粗鄙的;概約的
coarse adj.粗的;粗糙的;無禮的;粗魯的;粗俗的;與釣淡水魚有關的;粗粒的;大顆的;難看的;不雅的
boorish adj.粗野的;笨拙的;粗魯的;鄉土氣的
常用 權威
1. 粗魯笨拙
be rude and clumsy
2. 對人粗魯
be rude to others
1. 但Yuki從來不是粗魯或易怒的人。
But Yuki was never rude or irritable (易怒的).
2. 太多的目光接觸本能地會被認為是粗魯的。
Too much eye contact is instinctively felt to be rude.
3. 不要摘下任何\草\的葉子或粗魯地否定一個人。
Don't pluck a leave of any \grass\ or negate a person rudely.
4. 墨西哥人可能會保持沉默,而不是粗魯地與對方爭吵。
Mexicans may use silence rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.
5. 我從未見過這樣粗魯的行徑。
I have never met such crudity/rudeness before.
6. 那個粗魯的孩子總讓他的父母感到難堪。
That rude child is an embarrassment to his parents.
7. 他對自己的父母都這麼粗魯,對其他人就可想而知了。
He is rude even to his parents, not to mention other people.
8. 我想你把粗魯和誠實混為一談了。
I think you're confusing being rude with being truthful.
9. 他因觀點激烈、態度粗魯而聞名。
He was known for his strong views and unceremonious manners.
10. 你對婦女的態度像原始人般粗魯。
Your attitude to women is Neanderthal.
粗魯(英文:rude),讀音為cū lǔ或cū lu,漢語詞語,讀cū lǔ時,指的是“粗鹵”,性格、行為等粗野魯莽;讀cū lu時,義同粗魯(cū lǔ)。例句有“魯智深的性格看起來很粗魯,可是他粗中有細”。 相關句子有“我不習於交際,對人常失之粗鹵。”出自魯迅《致婁如》,相關近義詞有粗礦、蠻橫、戾氣,反義詞有清秀、文雅、和氣。
形詞 rough; rude; crude; coarse; boorish
1. 我從未見過這樣粗魯的行徑。
I have never met such crudity/rudeness before.
2. 言語粗魯
gross/coarse/foul language
3. 行為粗魯
coarse/rude/rough behaviour; rude actions
4. 粗魯笨拙
be rude and clumsy
5. 態度粗魯
be rude/rough/coarse in manner
6. 說話粗魯
have a rough tongue; be rough/coarse in speech; speak in a rude manner
7. 舉止粗魯
be rough/coarse in manner; have uncouth/crude manners
8. 對人粗魯
be rude to others