引起的英文 引起用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-25



give rise to 引起, 導致

lead to 導致, 把…帶到, 領到

bring about 使掉頭;引起, 導致

cause n.起因;原因;原則;事業;訴訟事由;正當理由;值得支援的事;個人訴訟案件

arouse v.喚起;激起;喚醒;燃起…怒氣;煽起…強烈情感;激起…性慾

常用 權威



1. 引起爭論

set off a debate

2. 引起延誤

occasion delay

3. 引起動盪

lead to unrest

4. 引起便秘

cause constipation

5. 引起摩擦

cause friction

6. 引起癌症

produce cancer

7. 引起悲傷

inspire sorrow

8. 引起事端

provoke an incident

9. 引起不滿

stoke (up) resentment (against)

10. 引起內戰

bring on a civil war

11. 引起小產

cause a miscarriage

12. 引起動亂

spark riot

13. 引起笑聲

raise a laugh

14. 引起反作用

cause a reaction

15. 引起共鳴

strike a chord; arouse sympathy

16. 引起警覺

arouse vigilance

17. 引起反駁

provoke a retort

18. 引起爭吵

start a row

19. 引起異議

provoke an objection; arouse dissent

20. 引起內亂

beget civil strife


1. 精英論者的隱含意義引起了公憤。

There has been much outrage at the elitist connotation.

2. 它將引起重大的經濟及社會變革。

It will bring about radical economic and social changes.

3. 它必然會引起國家間無休止的爭端。

It is bound to cause endless disputes among nations.

4. 消極地談論以前的工作會引起擔憂。

Talking about a previous job negatively raises concerns.

5. 根據這篇文章,罷工不會引起地震。

According to the passage, the strikes can't cause earthquakes.

6. 數字服務稅容易引起國內外的批評。

The digital services tax is apt to arouse criticism at home and abroad.

7. 但這種關注也引起了許多擔憂。

But this attention has also produced a lot of fear.

8. 其次,新奇事物本身經常引起懷疑。

Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief.

9. 它們引起消費者對食品的焦慮。

They cause anxiety about food among consumers.

10. 引起各種自身免疫疾病的原因。

The cause of various auto-immune diseases.



動詞 give rise to; lead to; bring about; cause; arouse; set/touch off

1. 被擊落的電線在城裡幾個地方引起大火。

Downed power lines sparked fires in several parts of the town.

2. 他的話在聽眾中引起恐慌。

His words struck fear in the listeners.

3. 你的話容易引起誤解。

What you said was open to misinterpretation/misconstruction.

4. 愛國主義的感情在大家心中引起共鳴。

Patriotic sentiments evoke an echo in every breast.

5. 引起注意

attract attention/notice; draw attention; come to sb's notice; catch sb's eye

6. 引起爭議

spark controversy; make an issue; occasion/evoke/cause/arouse/rouse disputes

7. 引起爭論

set off a debate

8. 引起軒然大波

make the fur fly; set the fur flying

9. 引起誤解

cause miscomprehension/misunderstanding

10. 引起危機

stir up/trigger off/cause/provoke a crisis

11. 引起同情

wake/rouse sb's pity

12. 引起事端

provoke an incident

13. 引起騷亂

trigger an uproar/a riot

14. 引起麻煩

stir up/cause trouble

15. 引起連鎖反應

initiate a chain reaction; have ripple effect

16. 引起恐慌

cause/create/start a panic

17. 引起混亂

occasion confusion

18. 引起懷疑

give rise to suspicion; bring on suspicion; raise doubts

19. 引起鬨堂大笑

set the whole room in a roar of laughter

20. 引起轟動

generate/cause/create/produce a sensation; make a splash; make a great/big stir; cause a stir

21. 引起共鳴

strike a chord; arouse sympathy

22. 引起好奇心

stir/arouse curiosity

23. 引起關注

stir up concern; draw attention

24. 引起反響

awaken a response; produce a reaction

25. 引起反感

incur sb's disfavour; arouse antipathy; produce a feeling of revulsion

26. 引起大火

spark a fire; originate a conflagration

27. 引起衝突

give rise to conflict; breed conflict

28. 引起猜測

arouse speculation; cast doubts on

29. 引起不滿

stoke (up) resentment (against)

30. 引起變化

bring about/result in/cause changes
