桶的英文 桶用英語怎麼說?
tub n.盆;桶;〈非正式;貶〉 (笨重的)短而寬的船;浴盆;洗衣盆;一小杯;小塑膠(或紙)杯;洗衣缸;主北美〉 浴缸;礦車
pail n.桶;提桶
bucket n.桶;水桶;吊桶;剷鬥;一桶的量;大量液體;戽斗;勺鬥;挖鬥
barrel n.桶;槍管;筆桿;軀幹;一桶之量
keg n.小桶
pailful n.滿桶
bucketful n.滿桶; 一桶之量
常用 權威
1. 汙水桶
slop pail
2. 琵琶桶
wooden barrel
3. 棉條桶
sliver can
4. 桶幫
side of a bucket
5. 牛奶桶
milk pail
6. 汙物桶
waste pail
7. 脫泡桶
8. 消防桶
firefighting bucket
9. 油漆桶
paint kettle/pail/pot
10. 100桶原油
100 barrels of crude
1. 學生常常將午餐放進二次利用的桶或某種金屬罐裡。
Students who carried their lunch often did so in a re-purposed bucket or tin of some kind.
2. 管子漏水,我們給下邊放了只桶接水。
The pipe was leaking, so we put a bucket underneath to catch the water.
3. 水從龍頭裡噴濺著注入桶中。
Water splashed from the tap into the bucket.
4. 這口井每天出油600桶。
This well runs/flows 600 barrels of oil a day.
5. 桶掉進井裡,不好撈取。
The pail has fallen into the well, and it’s difficult to get it out.
6. 這個桶容量為50升。
This barrel holds 50 litres.
7. 這個桶裝得下50升。
This barrel contains 50 litres.
8. 水從桶中溢位。
Water spilled from the pail.
9. 首要任務是用桶把水舀出船。
The first priority is to bail out the boat with buckets.
10. 葡萄酒被抽吸進大橡木桶裡。
The wine is racked off into large oak casks.
桶,盛水或其他東西的器具,深度較大,用金屬、木材或塑膠等製成。桶是國際原油數量單位。一般來說,歐佩克和英美等西方國家原油數量單位通常用桶(bbl)來表示,而中國及俄羅斯等國則常用噸(t)作為原油數量單位。 片語:木桶、水桶、馬桶、油桶。
名詞 tub; pail; bucket; barrel; keg
1. 消防桶
firefighting bucket
2. 汽油桶
petrol drum/tank; gas drum/tank
3. 牛奶桶
milk pail
4. 冰桶
ice pail
5. 桶裝啤酒
draught/barrelled beer
6. 一隻桶
a pail/bucket/barrel
量詞 pailful; bucketful
1. 一桶水
a pail/bucket of water
2. 一桶汽油/油
a drum/tank of petrol/oil
3. 一桶漆
a pail of paint
4. 三桶大米
three bucketful of rice
量詞 [for petroleum] barrel [one barrel equals 42 gallons and 7.3 barrels equals a ton]