整齊的英文 整齊用英語怎麼說?
orderly adj.整齊的;有條理的;傳達命令的;值班的;規矩的;遵守秩序的
neat adj.整潔的;整齊的;乾淨利落的;純的;清一的;淨的;了不起的;勻稱的;美觀的;規則的
tidy adj.整潔的;整齊的;相當大的;相當多的;工整的;令人滿意的;有條理的;愛整潔的;愛整齊的;相當好的
even adv.甚至;即使
regular adj.恆定的;規則的;經常的;頻繁的;符合手續的;正當的;尋常的;通常的;慣常的;規則變化的;正的;呈放射狀對稱的
常用 權威
1. 衣冠整齊
neatly dressed
2. 整齊劃一
3. 步伐整齊
march in step;march in step
4. 陣容整齊
well-balanced lineup
5. 鋪設整齊
neatly arranged
6. 服裝整齊
be neatly dressed
7. 隊伍整齊
ranks in good order
8. 整齊清潔
clean and tidy
9. 衣著整齊
be dressed with precision
10. 弄整齊
snug; tidy up
11. 整齊的花園
trim garden
12. 整齊的牙齒
regular teeth
13. 一排整齊的劉海兒
a tidy fringe of hair
14. 邁著整齊的步伐
march in step
15. 把灌木修剪整齊
trim bushes into good shape
1. 其他人只是不喜歡整齊排列的森林。
Others simply dislike the appearance of forests planted in neat rows.
2. 她們的女人把洗好的衣服整齊地晾在外面。
Their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry.
3. 例如,最好把蔬菜擺放整齊,把大的放在上面。
For example, it was better to put vegetables in order and bigger ones on top.
4. 當學生們看到鋼琴鍵盤整齊地排列時,他們相當驚訝。
When the students saw piano keyboards in neat rows (整齊地排列), they were quite amazed.
5. 當學生們看到一排排整齊的鋼琴鍵盤時,他們感到非常驚訝。
When the students saw piano keyboards in neat rows(整齊地排列), they were quite amazed.
6. 我的大腦似乎能夠處理這些問題,資訊也被整齊地儲存起來。
My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly.
7. 獵人們披掛整齊,準備上路。
The hunters are attired and ready to leave.
8. 精心設計的建築物整齊勻稱。
A well-designed building has symmetry.
9. 屋子裡傢俱鋪擺得很整齊。
The room is neatly furnished.
10. 他打扮得整整齊齊,不像以前那樣邋遢了。
He is now neat and clean, no longer as slovenly as he used to be.
整齊(英文:orderly),讀音zhěng qí,漢語詞語,指有秩序,有條理;亦指齊全。例句有“向山下望去,是一片綠油油的稻田和一排排整齊的農舍”。 相關古文有“高贊見女兒人物整齊,且又聰明,不肯將他配個平等之人。”出自《醒世恆言·錢秀才錯占鳳凰儔》。近義詞為一律、齊整、井然。反義詞為參差、凌亂、狼藉。
形詞 orderly; neat; tidy
1. 服裝整齊
be neatly dressed
2. 隊伍整齊
ranks in good order
3. 步伐整齊
march in step
動詞 make tidy; cause to be neat
1. 整齊步調
make a group of people walk at a set pace; regulate the pace of a group of people; cause to walk in step
形詞 even; regular
1. 路邊有一排整齊的瓦房。
A neat row of houses roofed with tiles stood at the roadside.
2. 出苗整齊。
The new shoots are coming out evenly.
3. 整齊的牙齒
regular teeth
4. 整齊的花園
trim garden
5. 陣容整齊
well-balanced lineup