命令的英文 命令用英語怎麼說?
command v.命令;掌握;擁有;可以獲得;指揮;管轄;統率;俯視;俯瞰;〈古〉 控制(或抑制)(自己,自己的感情)
order n.次序;順序;命令;指令;社會等級;社會階級;階層;修道會;類;柱型;裝飾樣式;專用裝備;專用服裝;階
instructions n.指示;指令;教誨;教導;命令;用法說明;(instruction的複數)
decree n.法令;法令的頒佈;裁決;判決
edict n.法令;佈告;命令
常用 權威
1. 命令句
imperative sentence
2. 服從命令
obey orders
3. 排程命令
dispatching order
4. 下命令
issue orders
5. 行政命令
executive order;ministerial decree/order; administrative order
6. 求助命令
help command
7. 命令處理
command processing
8. 進軍命令
orders to advance
9. 接受命令
take orders
10. 鍵入命令
type into a command
11. 使用者命令
user command
12. 檔案命令
file command
13. 一道命令
an order
14. 取消命令
countermand; annul an order
15. 等候命令
await orders
16. 行軍命令
marching orders
17. 頒佈命令
issue an order
18. 聽候命令
wait for orders
19. 語音命令
voice command
20. 命令系統
command system
1. 服從你的命令並提醒你吃藥。
Obey your orders and remind you to take pills.
2. 皇帝命令女僕們把絲綢和緞子剪成花。
The emperor ordered the girl servants to cut fine silk and satin into flowers.
3. 它能理解史密斯先生的命令。
It can understand Mr. Smith's orders.
4. 這一行動源於週二釋出的聯邦法院命令。
The action stems from a federal court order issued on Tuesday.
5. 穆斯被命令\檢點行事\。
Moose was ordered to \clean up his act. \
6. 皇帝命令女僕剪好絲綢。
The emperor ordered the girl servants to cut fine silk.
7. 該命令實質上是要求蘋果黑掉自己的裝置。
The order essentially asks Apple to hack its own devices.
8. 他命令他們戰鬥。
He ordered them to fight.
9. 其他人則被命令要更詳細地計劃每天的活動和目標。
Others were told to plan activities and goals in much more detail, day by day.
10. 機器人必須服從人類,除非這個命令與第一定律相沖突。
Robots must obey humans, except where the order would conflict with law 1.
計算機專業術語,形容在對計算機程式程式設計時所下達的程式設計指令。 同時也是中國漢語動詞,用於上級對下級下達~~的命令。
動詞 command; order
1. 將軍命令他計程車兵向前挺進。
The general ordered/commanded his troops to advance. / The general ordered/commanded that his troops (should) advance.
名詞 order; command; instructions; decree; edict
1. 服從命令是軍人的天職。
Obeying orders is a soldier's bounden duty.
2. 政府命令
government orders
3. 行政命令
executive order
4. 行軍命令
marching orders
5. 口頭/書面命令
verbal/written orders
6. 進軍命令
orders to advance
7. 執行命令
carry out/execute an order; put an order into action
8. 下命令
give/issue an command
9. 無視命令
disregard/brush aside/disobey/neglect an order; pay no attention to an order
10. 聽從命令
follow orders; take orders (from sb)
11. 簽署命令
sign/subscribe an order
12. 接受命令
take orders
13. 服從命令
comply with/observe/obey orders
14. 釋出命令
issue/promulgate an order; send/give out instructions
15. 得到/接到命令
receive an order
16. 撤銷命令
cancel an instruction; withdraw a command
17. 一道/個/條命令
an order