促進的英文 促進用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-08



promote v.加強;增進;促進;晉升;提升;提拔;宣傳;推銷;促使(議會私法議案)透過;使(催化劑)更活潑

boost v.推動;推進;偷竊;放大

advance v.前進;借…給;進步;預付;提前支付;使…提前發生;加速…程序;促進(人;事業;計劃)的發展;提出;漲價

stimulate v.使(身體;生物系統)興奮;刺激;促進;激勵;促使;激發(人的)興趣

facilitate v.使…更容易;使便利

further adv.更遠地;較遠地;而且;此外;進一步地;在更大範圍內;在更大程度上;遠非;再往前地

accelerate v.加速;加快;使加速;增加;增長;變速

expedite v.加速;促進

foster v.鼓勵;促進;培養;收養,領養

gear up 換高速擋

常用 權威



1. 促進派

promoter of progress

2. 促進劑

promoter; accelerator; accelerating agent

3. 互相促進

help each other forward

4. 促進統一

promote unification

5. 促進健康

promote health

6. 促進交流

promote exchange

7. 促進往來

foster the communication (between)

8. 大力促進

make great efforts to promote

9. 促進友誼

promote friendship

10. 貿易促進會

trade promotion council; committee/board for promoting trade

11. 促進出口

promote export

12. 促進農業發展

promote agriculture

13. 中國民主促進會

China Association for Promoting Democracy [a democratic party in China]

14. 促進對外貿易

promote foreign trade

15. 促進器官機能

stimulate the organic functions

16. 促進文明進步

facilitate the progress of civilization

17. 促進身體發育

improve one's physical development

18. 促進經濟繁榮

promote economic prosperity

19. 促進經濟合理佈局

foster rational economic distribution

20. 促進就業的措施

employment-promoting measures


1. 每個人都應該努力促進社會正義。

Everyone should try hard to promote social justice.

2. 這也許會促進我們之間的人際關係。

It may facilitate our interpersonal relationships.

3. 有句名言說,懶惰促進技術的進步。

A famous saying goes that laziness promotes the advances of technology.

4. 英國將採取新措施促進旅遊業發展。

The UK will take new measures to boost tourism.

5. 她對促進淋巴系統的迴圈特別有效。

It is especially useful for increasing flow of the lymphatic system.

6. 它們將促進中國的經濟增長。

They will boost China's economic growth.

7. 它的應用促進了電池的儲存。

Its application has boosted battery storage.

8. 促進與其他國家的文化交流。

Promote its cultural exchange with other nations.

9. 藝術能有效地促進科學創新。

Art is effective in facilitating scientific innovations.

10. 高科技產品可以促進人們的綜合思維。

Hi-tech products can boost people's integrative thinking.



促進(cù jìn)英文是promote,漢語詞語,釋義為推動使向前發展。造句:改革開放促進了經濟發展,每個人都從中獲得了好處。 相關例句“大家都是想要促進,沒有一篇演說是講要促退的”。出自毛澤東《做革命的促進派》



動詞 promote; boost; advance; stimulate; facilitate; further; accelerate; expedite; foster; give an impetus/impulse (to sth); gear up

1. 各國人民的友好接觸促進文化交流。

Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate cultural interchange.

2. 化肥促進植物生長。

Fertilizers accelerate the growth of plants.

3. 鍛鍊促進血液迴圈。

Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.

4. 互相促進

help each other forward

5. 大力促進

make great efforts to promote

6. 促進友好關係

further friendly ties; facilitate/foster friendly relations

7. 促進相互瞭解

further/promote mutual understanding

8. 促進穩定

foster/promote/advance/serve stability

9. 促進文明進步

facilitate the progress of civilization

10. 促進世界和平

accelerate/promote world peace; promote peace among the nations

11. 促進食慾

whet/stimulate/quicken/sharpen one's appetite

12. 促進生產

gear up/promote/stimulate production

13. 促進身體發育

improve one's physical development

14. 促進社會發展/進步

promote social development/progress

15. 促進全球經濟一體化

foster integration of the global economy

16. 促進貿易

give (an) impetus to trade; promote/facilitate trade

17. 促進諒解/團結/友誼

promote understanding/unity/friendship

18. 促進經濟繁榮

promote economic prosperity

19. 促進經濟發展

advance/boost/promote economic development; promote economic progress/advancement; spur/fuel/stimulate/promote economic growth

20. 促進健康

promote health

21. 促進合作

foster/promote/push cooperation

22. 促進改革

advance/accelerate/boost/promote reform

23. 促進發展

foster growth; promote growth/development; facilitate/speed the progress (of)

24. 促進出口

promote export
