優勢的英文 優勢用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-09



superiority n.優越;優勢;傲慢的行為

preponderance n.優勢;多數

advantage n.有利條件;優勢;獲益;得益;獲得… 的機會;有利情況;好處;利益;優勢分

常用 權威



1. 優勢種

dominant species

2. 區位優勢

locational advantage;location advantage

3. 贏得優勢

win an advantage

4. 發揮優勢

make best of one's advantage

5. 地區優勢

regional advantages; advantages of localities

6. 絕對優勢

absolute superiority/advantage

7. 優勢比

dominance ratio

8. 擁有核優勢

retain nuclear superiority

9. 差異化優勢

differentiation advantage

10. 爭奪核優勢

vie for nuclear superiority

11. 戰略優勢

strategic advantage

12. 增強優勢

increase one's superiority (in)

13. 抵消優勢

counterbalance the advantage

14. 優勢產業

competitive industry

15. 優勢企業

strong/superior enterprises

16. 經濟優勢

economic superiority;economic superiority

17. 競爭優勢

competitive advantage

18. 鞏固優勢

consolidate the advantage

19. 優勢積分

dominating integral

20. 優勢級數

dominating series


1. 成功人士的優勢從何而來。

Where successful people's strengths come from.

2. 然而,憑藉身體優勢,他們掌控了比賽。

However, with the physical advantages they controlled the game.

3. 擇優錄取的學校的優勢明顯到不容忽視。

The advantages of selective schools are too obvious to ignore.

4. 它們利用失重的優勢在籠子裡互相推搡。

They use the lack of gravity to their advantage as they push themselves around the cage.

5. 在現場展示他們的優勢

Demonstrating their superiority on the spot.

6. 例如,他們在追求目標時知道自己的優勢

For instance, they know their strengths when pursuing a goal.

7. 這一過程可能會給候選人帶來不公平的優勢

This process could potentially give an unfair advantage to one candidate over another.

8. 住在高樓裡的一個優勢是你總是能在附近得到幫助。

One advantage of living in a tall building is that you always have help nearby.

9. 談論不常見的專案並沒有顯示出優勢,反而讓你慢了下來。

Talking about uncommon items showed no advantage and slowed you down.

10. 我唯一的優勢是拼寫——我參加的每一次單詞測試都得了A。

My only advantage was spelling—I got an A on every word test I took.



優勢(英文:superiority),讀音為yōu shì,漢語詞語。指的是能壓倒對方的有利形勢。亦指超過同類事物中其他情況的形勢。例句有“ 從場上的攻勢看,主隊並不佔據優勢。” 相關近義詞有上風,相關反義詞有劣勢、頹勢、弱點。



名詞 superiority; preponderance; advantage

1. 優勢在我們隊這一邊。

The odds are on our team.

2. 戰術上的優勢

tactical advantage

3. 戰略優勢

strategic advantage

4. 相對優勢

relative advantage/dominance/potency

5. 先發優勢

first-mover advantage

6. 微弱的優勢

narrow lead

7. 明顯優勢

clear advantage; marked preponderance; noticeable predominance

8. 區位優勢

location advantage

9. 軍事優勢

military supremacy/advantage

10. 經濟優勢

economic superiority

11. 空中優勢

air superiority

12. 絕對優勢

overwhelming/decided/absolute advantage (over); definite predominance (over)

13. 競爭優勢

competitive advantage

14. 後發優勢

advantage of a late mover; late-mover advantage; second-mover advantage

15. 差異化優勢

differentiation advantage

16. 比較優勢

comparative advantage

17. 以微弱的優勢險勝

win by a nose

18. 增強優勢

increase one's superiority (in)

19. 爭奪優勢

carry out/have a struggle for superiority

20. 佔優勢

have the preponderance/upper hand/advantage

21. 贏得優勢

win an advantage

22. 享有優勢

enjoy/hold superiority

23. 顯示優勢

show a predominance (of); show a preponderance (of)

24. 失去優勢

lose one's ascendancy; throw away advantages; lose the upper hand; lose the edge

25. 取得優勢

gain the superiority (over)

26. 獲得優勢

achieve superiority

27. 鞏固優勢

consolidate the advantage

28. 充分發揮優勢

give full play to one's own advantages; make the most of oneself

29. 抵消優勢

counterbalance the advantage

30. 打破優勢

crack the dominance (in)

31. 表現出明顯的優勢

show decided superiority

32. 保持/削弱競爭優勢

preserve/undercut the competitive edge
