勤勞的英文 勤勞用英語怎麼說?
diligent adj.勤奮的;勤勉的;細緻而堅持不懈的
industrious adj.勤勉刻苦的;勤勞的
hard-working adj.勤奮努力的
assiduous adj.勤奮的;堅持不懈的;一絲不苟的
常用 權威
1. 勤勞勇敢
be brave and industrious
2. 勤勞致富
get rich by honest labour;become rich through hard work; get rich through honest labour; achieve prosperity through industrious/hard work
3. 靠勤勞贏得成功
win success by industry
4. 一雙勤勞的手
a pair of untiring hands
5. 辛勤勞動的產物
fruit of hard work
6. 勤勞智慧的人民
industrious and ingenious people
7. 靠勤勞積攢一筆錢
accumulate a fortune by industry
1. Dale Schroeder是一個勤勞節儉的木匠。
Dale Schroeder was a hard-working and frugal carpenter.
2. 勤勞儉樸是中華民族的本色。
Industriousness and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation.
3. 中國人民是一個勤勞的民族。
The Chinese are a hard-working people.
4. 只有辛勤勞動才能脫貧。
Only through hard work can people shake off poverty.
5. 勤勞致富是正當的。
It is only fair that people who work hard should prosper.
6. 人們欽佩他們那種公認的勤勞刻苦。
People admire their supposed industriousness.
7. 他們這個民族以勤勞、平和、務實著稱。
They were famed as an industrious, peaceable, practical people.
8. 這會破壞多年的辛勤勞動。
This could undermine years of hard work.
9. 你們的勤勞和樸實讓我深深感動。
I am deeply touched by your hardworking and guileless.
10. 他的財富是由於他的勤勞和幸運。
He owes his wealth to diligence and good luck.
勤勞是一個漢語詞彙,拼音是qín láo,指辛勤勞作,努力生產物質財富和精神財富。勤勞是中華民族的傳統美德,出自《書·金縢》:“昔公勤勞王家,惟予沖人弗及知。”做褒義詞用。
形詞 diligent; industrious; hardworking; assiduous
1. 勤勞儉樸是中華民族的本色。
Industriousness and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation.
2. 一雙勤勞的手
a pair of untiring hands
3. 靠勤勞贏得成功
win success by industry
4. 勤勞勇敢的中國人民
industrious and valiant/courageous Chinese people