獲得的英文 獲得用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12



gain v.獲得;得到;取得;增加某物的數量或比率;提高;改善;到達;逼近;接近;使…(轉而)支援自己的利益

obtain v.得到;獲得;通用;流行;合乎習俗;得到公認

win v.在(比賽;衝突)中獲勝;贏;獲得;贏得;奪得;掙得;晾;說服;爭取過來;拉過來

acquire v.買到;獲得;學到;習得;培養

achieve v.達到;取得;獲得;實現

常用 權威



1. 獲得性

acquired character

2. 獲得特權

secure the privilege

3. 獲得特許

receive special permission

4. 獲得證據

obtain evidence; get proof

5. 獲得技巧

acquire a skill

6. 獲得提名

win a nomination

7. 獲得特赦

be under an amnesty

8. 獲得收益

make a profit (from)

9. 獲得新生

be reborn

10. 奧斯卡獎獲得者

Oscar winner

11. 獲得奧斯卡獎

win an Oscar

12. 獲得產權

acquire title to property

13. 獲得資料

obtain data

14. 獲得詳情

obtain detailed information

15. 獲得感

sense of gain

16. 獲得性免疫

acquired immunity

17. 獲得自由

gain freedom

18. 獲得許可

secure permission

19. 獲得信任

win sb's confidence

20. 獲得經驗

gain experience


1. 貧困的孩子能夠獲得成功的資源。

Poor kids can access the resources to succeed.

2. 他的工作獲得了美國政府的獎勵。

He won an award from the US government for his work.

3. 就業不再是獲得保險的先決條件。

Employment is no longer a precondition to get insurance.

4. 行業遊說使得很難獲得健康食品。

D)Industry lobbying makes it hard to get healthy foods.

5. 他們從買東西中獲得更大的樂趣。

They derive greater pleasure from buying things.

6. 他們將透過諮詢重新獲得信心。

They will regain confidence with counselling.

7. 我們都獲得了相互尊重和理解。

We all gain mutual respect, and understanding.

8. 他是第一位獲得該獎項的中國公民。

He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award.

9. 這些藝術家設計獲得國際大獎。

These artist (藝術家) design won an international award.

10. 獲得200多項火箭技術專利。

He was granted over 200 patents in rocket technology.



  huòdé 得到,取得;捕得 獲得智慧   1. to obtain   2. to receive   3. to get   其它相關解釋:      例句與用法:   1. 他獲得了建築學的學位證書。   He obtained a diploma in architecture.   2. 許多雜誌發表了由俄國航天探測器獲得的有關金星的資訊。   Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines.   3. 那個吸血鬼依附於他人希望獲得錢財。   The leech hangs about other people hoping to obtain money.   4. 這個國家在1972年獲得了獨立。   The country attained its independence in 1972.   5. 誰將獲得總統提名?   Who will get the nomination for president?   6. 坦白地說,我認為你獲得這項工作的機會微乎其微。   To be very frank, I think you have very little chance of getting the job.   7. 哪一方將獲得控制權?   Which side will get the mastery?   8. 她假裝很喜歡他們,藉以獲得他們的幫助。   She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help. ?????? 基本資訊     拼音:huòdé   英文:gain    解釋:   [gain;obtain;acquire;attain;achieve] 得到,取得;捕得   獲得智慧 1.to obtain; to acquire; to attain; to earn; to gain; to carry off; to possess oneself of ...; to take possession of ...?





動詞 gain; obtain; win; acquire; achieve

1. 獲得自由

gain freedom

2. 獲得知識

acquire knowledge

3. 獲得許可

secure permission

4. 獲得信任

win sb's confidence

5. 獲得文學碩士學位

obtain/receive/get the degree of Master of Arts

6. 獲得特權

secure the privilege

7. 獲得利潤

clear/earn/make/turn a profit

8. 獲得經驗

gain experience

9. 獲得經濟好處

make economic gains

10. 獲得好評

earn favourable comment; win acclaim; be well received

11. 獲得成功

attain success

12. 獲得財富

gain wealth
