交談的英文 交談用英語怎麼說?
converse v.談話;交談
chat v.閒聊;網聊
exchange n.交換;互換;調換;交易所;兌換;匯兌;商品交易所;交談;交易系統;爭論
常用 權威
1. 輕聲交談
talk in whispers
2. 用侃兒交談
talk in jargon
3. 席間交談
table talk
4. 坦率地交談
converse frankly
5. 電話交談
telephone conversation
6. 附耳交談
talk in whispers
7. 傾心交談
have a heart-to-heart talk
8. 融洽的交談
cordial conversation
9. 細聲細氣的交談
subdued conversation
10. 盡情地交談
indulge oneself in a conversation
11. 親切友好的交談
warm and friendly conversation;cordial and friendly talks
12. 流利地用英語交談
converse fluently in English
1. 頭版成了我與讀者交談的個人渠道。
The front page became my personal channel to talk to the readers.
2. 我經常和母語是英語的人交談。
I often talk with the persons whose mother language is English.
3. 注意他們是如何與他人交談的。
Watch out for how they verbalize with others.
4. 他們誘導陌生人和他們交談。
They induced strangers to talk with them.
5. 她告訴我們她更喜歡和人面對面交談。
She told us that she preferred speaking to people in person.
6. 用荷蘭語和她的男朋友交談。
Talking with her boyfriend in Dutch.
7. 與專家交談是一個好主意。
Speaking to an expert would be a good idea.
8. 與陌生人面對面交談會讓他們感到緊張。
Speaking to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.
9. 直接與聽眾交談,做你自己來建立聯絡。
Talk directly to your audience, be yourself and make a connection.
10. 人們忘記了選舉,像以前一樣和我交談。
People forgot about the election and talked to me just as they did before.
交談(英文:talk with each other),讀音為jiāo tán,漢語詞語,是指互相談話。例句有“透過懇切的交談,他倆心裡的疙瘩已瓦解冰消”。 近義詞為攀談、扳談、談談。反義詞為封閉、冷淡。
動詞 talk with each other; converse; chat; exchange
1. 他密切注視著他們,聽他們交談。
He watched them closely, listening to the exchange.
2. 席間交談
table talk
3. 坦率地交談
converse frankly
4. 深入交談
be deep in conversation (with sb)
5. 熱烈/隨便/推心置腹的交談
animated/casual/heart-to-heart talk
6. 親切友好的交談
cordial and friendly talks
7. 流利地用英語交談
converse fluently in English
8. 盡情地交談
indulge oneself in a conversation
9. 進行友好的交談
hold a friendly conversation (on sth)
10. 開始交談
get into/strike up/begin/start a conversation (with)