擴大的英文 擴大用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-05



expand v.擴大;擴充;擴充套件;發展;詳述;進一步闡述;膨脹;變得開朗;變得願意交談

amplify v.增強音量;增強;放大;使變得明顯;擴增;擴充;詳述

broaden v.變寬;擴大;變開闊

extend v.擴大;擴充;擴充套件;伸出;延長;延伸;提供;延續;包括;伸展

enlarge v.變大;擴大;放大

常用 權威



1. 擴大化

magnify/extend unreasonably

2. 擴大再生產

extended/expanded reproduction

3. 擴大內需

expand domestic demand

4. 擴大外需

expand overseas market demands

5. 擴大統治

extend one's rule

6. 擴大防守

extend the defence

7. 擴大地盤

expand one's spheres of influence

8. 瞳孔擴大

platycoria; mydriasis

9. 擴大許可權

extend one's powers

10. 擴大貿易

extend trade

11. 擴大園地

broaden the scope (of)

12. 擴大視野

extend one's eyes

13. 擴大生源

expand the source of students

14. 擴大聲勢

extend one's power

15. 擴大疆界

expand the boundary

16. 擴大閱歷

widen one's experience

17. 擴大市場

expand the market

18. 擴大裂痕

widen the breach (between)

19. 擴大權力

extend one's power

20. 擴大戰果

exploit a victory


1. 工會擴大了他們的公共部門成員。

Unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.

2. 他們正在努力防止收入差距擴大

They are working to prevent the income gap from widening.

3. 它想擴大自己的農場經營規模。

It wants to expand its own farming.

4. 他們可以擴大自己的職業圈子。

They can enlarge their professional circle.

5. 一種方法是擴大你的世界觀。

One way is to expand your worldview.

6. 它可以擴大我們的大腦容量。

It can enlarge our brain capacity.

7. 透過僱傭更多的工人來擴大他們的公司。

Enlarge their company by hiring more workers.

8. 努力恢復黑猩猩的棲息地以擴大其總種群。

Endeavor to restore chimp habitats to expand its total population.

9. 他們將傾向於擴大業務。

They will feel inclined to expand their business operations.

10. 隨著資料庫的擴大,機器的精度全面下降。

As the databases grew, machine accuracy dipped across the board.



擴大   kuòdà   [aggravate;broaden;enlarge;expand] 使範圍、規模等增大   擴大政治影響



動詞 expand; amplify; broaden; extend; enlarge

1. 目前各大院校正在擴大渠道招聘高水平的教師。

At present, all universities and institutes are widening channels for recruiting high-level teachers.

2. 擴大自主權

enlarge/expand/extend the decision-making powers; give greater autonomy/more self-governing powers; expand the autonomy (of)

3. 擴大知識面

broaden one's knowledge; extend the range of one's knowledge

4. 擴大招生

boost/increase the enrolment

5. 擴大戰果

exploit a victory

6. 擴大影響

enhance/extend one's influence

7. 擴大業務

enlarge/expand business

8. 擴大銷路

expand/broaden sales

9. 擴大統一戰線

broaden the united front

10. 擴大視野

broaden one's vision/horizons

11. 擴大市場

expand the market

12. 擴大生產 (能力)

expand production (capacity)

13. 擴大社會主義民主

broaden the scope of socialist democracy

14. 擴大容量

enlarge the capacity (of a storage facility)

15. 擴大許可權

extend sb's power; give/grant sb more powers

16. 擴大內需

expand domestic demand

17. 擴大領先優勢

widen the lead

18. 擴大就業

enlarge/increase employment; create more jobs or job opportunities

19. 擴大經營範圍

expand business scope

20. 擴大合作交流

expand cooperative exchanges

21. 擴大經濟活動的公開性和透明度

increase openness and transparency of economic activities

22. 擴大服務專案

increase service items

23. 擴大防守

extend the defence

24. 擴大對外貿易

increase trade with foreign countries

25. 擴大對外開放

open wider to the outside world

26. 擴大對外交流

increase exchange with other countries

27. 擴大詞彙量

extend the range of one's vocabulary; enlarge one's vocabulary

28. 擴大財源

open up new sources of revenue
