常常的英文 常常用英語怎麼說?
frequently adv.頻繁地;經常地;時常
often adv.經常;常常
many a time 多次;常常;兩次三番
regularly adv.有規律地;定期地;勻稱地;經常地
常用 權威
1. 但這是一種常常被羞恥淹沒的敘事。
But it's a narrative often drowned out by the shame.
2. 他們過去常常捕獵海豹。
They used to hunt seals (海豹) .
3. 風景如此迷人,以致遊客們常常
The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it.
4. 我們常常覺得有必要告訴別人我們的感受。
We often feel the need to tell others how we feel.
5. 看起來像是薰香中國人過去常常紀念死者。
It looks like the incense (香) that Chinese use to honor the dead.
6. 最激烈的爭論常常
The most heated arguments often occur between people on opposite ends of the spectrum.
7. 那是因為過去床常常是一個大袋子,裡面裝著乾草。
That's because a bed was often a big bag with hay inside in the past.
8. 學生常常將午餐放進二次利用的桶或某種金屬罐裡。
Students who carried their lunch often did so in a re-purposed bucket or tin of some kind.
9. 霍格的母親過去常常擔心他在生活中會遇到很多困難。
Hoge's mother used to worry that he would face many difficulties in life.
10. 不好的一面是,在那段死氣沉沉的時間裡,我本可以常常讓我的思緒流動起來。
The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow.
常常(英文:often、frequently、regularly),讀音cháng cháng,漢語詞語,指的是時常,經常;也指平常,平庸。例句有“他常常獨具隻眼地發表與眾不同的意見。” 相關句子有《孟子·萬章上》:“欲常常而見之,故源源而來。”它的近義詞有往往、頻頻等,反義詞有偶爾、有時等。
副詞 frequently; often; many a time; regularly
1. 他倆下班後常常去酒吧喝兩杯。
They two frequented the pub for a few cups after work.
2. 他常常邀請朋友參加晚會。
He frequently invited friends to parties.
3. 那時他常常參加強化班。
He often took intensive training class then.