成人的英文 成人用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-21



grow up 長大;發展, 形成;成熟;變得理智和現實

adult n.成年人;成年動物

grown-up adj.成人的;成熟的;適合於成年人的

常用 權威



1. 成人禮

coming-of-age ceremony; rite of passage (into adulthood)

2. 成人影片

adult film; X-rated film

3. 成人培訓

adult training

4. 成人高考

entrance examination to institutions of higher learning for adults

5. 成人高校

institution of higher learning for adults

6. 成人娛樂活動

adult entertainment

7. 成人笑話

adult joke

8. 成人學校

adult school

9. 成人電影

adult film

10. 成人保險

insurance for adults

11. 成人教育

adult education; continuing education; further education

12. 成人夜校

night school for adults

13. 成人自考

adult self-study/self-taught examination

14. 成人用品店

adult shop; sex shop

15. 君子成人之美,不成人之惡

a gentleman is always ready to help others attain their goals and never aids others to do evil

16. 成人高等教育

adult higher education

17. 成人的職責

manhood duties; adult responsibilities

18. 只許成人入場

admission to adults only

19. 成人教育學院

institute of adult education

20. 成人自學考試

adult self-study/self-taught examination


1. 成人和兒童的肥胖率有所上升。

Obesity has risen among adults and children.

2. 長大成人後,取名為天生歌手。

After growing into an adult, it is named a born singer.

3. 無論是孩子還是成人都無法抵擋免費玩具的誘惑。

Neither children nor adults could resit the temptation of a free toy.

4. 此外,大多數成人臨床抑鬱症病例首先出現在青春期。

Furthermore, most adult cases of clinical depression first emerge in adolescence (青春期) .

5. 哈克認為,這樣的課程是對成人數字文盲的一種補救。

Such courses, Hacker argues, are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults .

6. \你開始得越早越好……\《如何撫養成人》的作者說。

\The earlier you start, the better...\ the writer of How to Raise an Adult said.

7. 因此我想感謝你們讓我們的\成人\經歷如此精彩和有趣。

So I want to say thank you for making our 'grown-up' experience so amazing and fun.

8. 家道的驟變使他長大成人了。

The sudden change in his family fortunes has made a man of him.

9. 成人的思想大都已經定型。

Most adults have fixed ideas about things. / Most adults are fixed in their way of thinking.

10. 母親千辛萬苦地把他從襁褓中撫育成人

His mother went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties to bring him up from infancy.



成人是指已經完全發育成熟的人,與未成年人相對,不同國家或地區根據公民的生理、智力發育、習慣和社會要求,對成年人的年齡規定從16歲至21歲不等。 中國《民法通則》規定:“18週歲以上的公民是成年人。”凡是滿18週歲的公民,不論其性別、精神健康狀況如何,均視為成年人。達到成年且精神健全的人具有完全的民事行為能力,是完全民事行為能力人。



動詞 be/become fully-grown; grow up

1. 家道的驟變使他長大成人了。

The sudden change in his family fortunes has made a man of him.

2. 長大成人

have grown into a man; grow/come to adulthood

動詞 grow up to be a useful person

1. 他的努力沒有白費,兒子終於成了人。

His efforts were not in vain; his son has become a useful person.

名詞 adult; grown-up

1. 成人的職責

manhood duties; adult responsibilities

2. 成人娛樂活動

adult entertainment

3. 成人培訓

adult training

4. 成人電影

adult film/movie

5. 成人大學預科課程

access course

6. 成人保險

insurance for adults

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