防止的英文 防止用英語怎麼說?
prevent v.妨礙;制止;引領;阻止;阻擋
guard against 防範;提防;避免
forestall v.防止;預先阻止;搶在…之前採取行動;為抬價囤積
avoid v.迴避;避免做;撤銷;廢止;使無效;防止;避開
head off 阻止;防止…發生
常用 權威
1. 防止一哄而起
avoid rushing headlong into action
2. 防止沙漠化
prevent desertification
3. 防止火災
prevent a fire
4. 防止生鏽
prevent rust
5. 防止跑墒
prevent loss of soil moisture
6. 防止暴力
prevent violence
7. 防止核擴散
prevent nuclear proliferation
8. 防止意外
prevent accidents
9. 防止霸凌
prevent bullying
10. 防止差錯
guard against errors
11. 防止犯罪
prevent crime;prevent crime
12. 防止窩工
prevent hold-up in work
13. 防止感染
protect from infection
14. 防止漏檢
avoid check failures
15. 防止錯誤
guard against error
16. 防止打滑
forestall skidding
17. 防止瘟疫
avert pestilence
18. 防止衝突
prevent a conflict
19. 防止絕種
prevent the extinction (of)
20. 防止網際網路病毒
protect against Internet viruses
1. 這將防止你在上課的頭幾天迷路。
This will prevent you from getting lost in the first few days of classes.
2. 他們說,這有助於防止衰老過程。
This, they said, helps guard against the aging process.
3. 他們正在努力防止收入差距擴大。
They are working to prevent the income gap from widening.
4. 它可以防止嫌疑人傷害他人。
It keeps the suspect from hurting others.
5. 防止嫌疑人刪除手機內容。
Prevent suspects from deleting their phone contents.
6. 真正的挑戰是防止光散射。
The real challenge is preventing light from scattering.
7. 如何防止村莊沉入大海。
How to keep the village from sinking into the sea.
8. 防止這類欺詐絕非易事。
The prevention of this type of fraud is no easy task.
9. 它防止與社會隔絕的人成為騙子的犧牲品。
It prevents people who are cut off from society falling victim to cheaters.
10. 窗戶可以防止孩子掉落。
The window can prevent children from falling out.
防止(英文:prevent/forestall/avoid),讀音fáng zhǐ,漢語詞語,意指防備並制止。例句為“要認真總結經驗教訓,防止類似事故再次發生”。 相關句子有“讓他們提高警惕,防止敵人在受到正面壓力時繼續向南突圍。”出自魏巍的《東方》。
動詞 prevent; guard against; forestall; avoid; head off
1. 吃水果和蔬菜可以防止心臟病。
Fruit and vegetables can reduce the chance of heart disease.
2. 理效能防止莽撞行為。
Reason is a guard against rash actions.
3. 防止汙染
prevent contamination/pollution
4. 防止沙漠化
prevent desertification
5. 防止兩極分化
prevent polarization of society
6. 防止濫用職權
prevent the abuse of power
7. 防止交通事故
forestall/prevent traffic accidents
8. 防止疾病蔓延
prevent a disease spreading; prevent the spread of a disease
9. 防止飢荒/戰爭
avert/prevent famine/war
10. 防止河水氾濫
stem the river's outflow
11. 防止國有資產流失
avoid/prevent state-asset drain
12. 防止感染
protect from infection
13. 防止腐敗/驕傲自滿
guard against corruption/conceit
14. 防止犯罪
prevent crime
15. 防止衝突
head off/forestall a conflict
16. 防止變形
stop/prevent from getting out of shape
17. 防止暴力
prevent violence