詞彙的英文 詞彙用英語怎麼說?
vocabulary n.詞彙;生詞表;詞彙表;語彙;語言
常用 權威
1. 詞彙量
vocabulary; wordage
2. 詞彙學
3. 詞彙表
word list; vocabulary; glossary
4. 核心詞彙
core vocabulary;core vocabulary
5. 積累詞彙
build up one's vocabulary;accumulate words
6. 基本詞彙
basic vocabulary;basic vocabulary
7. 學習詞彙
study the vocabulary (of)
8. 詞彙單位
lexical unit
9. 記詞彙
learn the vocabulary by heart
10. 閱讀詞彙量
reading vocabulary
11. 詞彙統計學
12. 專門詞彙
specialized vocabulary
13. 詞彙分解
lexical decomposition
14. 詞彙空缺
lexical gap
1. 他們避免使用政治上的敏感詞彙
They refrain from using politically sensitive terms.
2. 比如汽車和駕駛的詞彙就很不一樣。
For example, the vocabulary for cars and driving is very different.
3. 我們有一系列表達不同程度感激的詞彙。
We had a range of words that express different grades of gratitude.
4. 你應該寫至少150個詞彙但不超過200字。
You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
5. 他們更注重詞彙。
They're more focused on vocabulary.
6. 以\團隊\為導向的企業詞彙與體育文化密切相關。
\Team\ -oriented corporate vocabulary is closely related to sports culture.
7. 它的發音對我來說很好,而且它的詞彙和英語很相似。
The pronunciation is fine with me, and its vocabulary is similar to English.
8. 這項研究的作者希拉里·舒爾曼斷言,專業詞彙是一種訊號。
Hillary Shulman, the author of the study, asserts that specialized words are a signal.
9. 他把那本詞彙手冊美其名曰字典。
He glorifies the phrase book with the name of a dictionary.
10. 英語從法語借入了很多詞彙。
English has borrowed heavily from French.
詞彙(英文:vocabulary),讀音cí huì,漢語詞語,一種語言裡所有的詞和固定片語的總彙,是構成語言的建築材料。亦指一個人或一部作品所使用的詞。例句有“要學習好詞彙,必須懂得辨析同義詞”。 相關句子有“從活人的嘴上,採取有生命的詞彙,搬到紙上來。”出自魯迅《且介享雜文二集·人生識字胡塗始》。
名詞 vocabulary; words and phrases
1. 專門詞彙
specialized vocabulary
2. 科技詞彙
(vocabulary of) scientific and technical terms
3. 基本詞彙
basic vocabulary
4. 核心詞彙
core vocabulary
5. 常用詞彙
common words/expressions; words in everyday use
6. 詞彙豐富/貧乏
be rich/poor in vocabulary
7. 掌握詞彙
acquire/command/possess a vocabulary
8. 學習詞彙
study the vocabulary (of)
9. 擴大詞彙
enrich/enlarge/increase/widen one's vocabulary
10. 積累詞彙
build up one's vocabulary