違反的英文 違反用英語怎麼說?
violate v.違反;違背;性侵犯;擾亂;侵犯;褻瀆;玷汙;強姦
run counter to 違背;有悖;背道而馳
transgress v.違犯;違背;侵入
infringe v.違犯;違反;違背;侵犯;破壞
offend v.得罪;冒犯;犯罪;令人不快;違反
常用 權威
1. 違反禁令
violate a ban
2. 違反公約
violate the convention
3. 違反常規
depart from routine
4. 違反租約
violate a lease
5. 違反協議
violate an agreement
6. 違反政策
run counter to the policy
7. 違反慣例
depart from the regular practice
8. 違反國際法
contravene international law
9. 違反先例
violate a precedent
10. 違反習俗
violate conventionality
11. 違反憲法
violate the constitution
12. 違反合同
breach a contact
13. 違反操作程式
fail to follow instruction
14. 違反版權協議
infringe a copyright agreement
15. 違反規章制度
violate rules and regulations
1. 任何違反法律的人都會受到懲罰。
Anyone who breaks the law will be punished.
2. 女警察正在懲罰司機違反交通規則。
The policewoman is punishing the driver for breaking the traffic rules.
3. 法律違反了\平等保護\的憲法保障。
Law violates the constitutional guarantee of \equal protection\.
4. 通常,人們違反法律只是因為法律存在。
Often, people break laws simply because the laws are there.
5. 這種不禮貌的行為違反了禮儀的基本規則。
The impolite act violates the basic rules of etiquette.
6. 建築公司違反了合同。
The construction firm breached the contract.
7. 眾所周知,任何違反規則的人都應該受到懲罰。
As is known to all, anyone who breaks the rules should be punished.
8. 這可能違反憲法。
It may go against the Constitution.
9. 法庭裁決警察在無搜查令的情況下搜查疑犯的錢包並沒有違反第四號修正案的規定。
The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment.
10. 違反交通規則的司機將被判罰。
Drivers who violate traffic regulations will be penalized.
動詞 violate; run counter to; transgress; infringe; act against; offend
1. 違反政策
run counter to the policy
2. 違反社會發展規律
go against the laws of social development
3. 違反合同
breach a contact
4. 違反規定
contravene a regulation; breach the regulations
5. 違反國際慣例
commit a breach of international practice; act contrary to international norms
6. 違反國際法
contravene international law
7. 違反公約
violate the convention
8. 違反操作程式
fail to follow instruction
9. 違反常規
depart from routine
10. 違反版權協議
infringe a copyright agreement