遵循的英文 遵循用英語怎麼說?
follow v.跟在…後面;跟隨;排在…後面;按照(指示;規則)做;執行;密切注意;從事;進行;跟蹤;追隨
abide by 遵守, 遵循
adhere to 堅持, 遵守
常用 權威
1. 遵循先例
follow a precedent;follow a precedent
2. 遵循師訓
follow the teacher's instructions
3. 遵循邏輯
follow logic
4. 遵循黨的路線
follow the party line
5. 遵循內在規律
observe the internal law (of)
6. 遵循普遍原則
follow the universal rule
1. 他們通常每年都遵循同樣的方式。
They usually follow the same ways every year.
2. 他們沒有遵循機器人的編碼系統。
They did not follow the coding system of robotics.
3. 該政策遵循了其他期刊的類似嘗試。
The policy follows similar efforts from other journals.
4. 大自然遵循文化設定的不成文規則。
Nature follows the unwritten rules set by culture.
5. 透過遵循文明人的日常生活。
By following the daily routines of civilized human beings.
6. 遵循傳統遷徙路線的鳥類更容易死亡。
Birds following traditional migration routes were more likely to die.
7. 他們的日常生活遵循自然迴圈的規律。
Their daily routine followed the rhythm of the natural cycle.
8. 他們必須遵循一些共識。
They must follow some common standards.
9. 可以說,遵循食品標準局的建議是可取的。
It could be argued that it is advisable to follow the FSA advice.
10. 為了保持健康,我們最好遵循七步洗手法。
We'd better follow the seven-step hand-washing method to keep healthy.
【詞目】遵循 【拼音】zūn xún 【拼音】ㄗㄨㄣ ㄒㄩㄣˊ 【同義詞】 遵照、遵守、遵從 【反義詞】 違反、違背 【基本解釋】[follow;abide by;comply with] 遵從;依照
動詞 follow; abide by; adhere to; act pursuant to
1. 我們必須遵循的行動指南
the guide for action which we must adhere to
2. 制定一個章程,使大家有所遵循
work out a set of rules so that people will have something to go by
3. 遵循原則
observe/follow the principles
4. 遵循先例
follow a precedent
5. 遵循社會行為準則
adapt to the norms of the society
6. 遵循內在規律
observe the internal law (of)
7. 遵循良心辦事
act pursuant to the dictates of one's conscience
8. 遵循和平共處的原則
follow the principle of peaceful coexistence