廉價的英文 廉價用英語怎麼說?
cheap adj.便宜的;無價值的;可恥的;收費便宜的;可鄙的;低廉的;廉價的;用不正當手段得到的;吝嗇的
low-priced adj.賤價的;廉價的
inexpensive adj.花費不多的;便宜的
budget n.預算;一批材料;國家預算;款項;專款
worthless adj.無價值的;不值錢的;沒用處的;沒有優點的;無足輕重的;應被鄙視的;可鄙的
常用 權威
1. 廉價部
bargain counter
2. 廉價品
low-priced goods
3. 廉價勞動力
cheap labour
4. 廉價原料
cheap raw material
5. 廉價航班
budget flight
6. 廉價商品
cheap goods; bargain; distress merchandise
7. 廉價物品
cheap thing
8. 廉價商店
budget/thrifty shop
9. 廉價的眼淚
cheap tears
10. 廉價拋售
distress selling
11. 廉價買進
buy cheap
12. 廉價貨櫃
bargain counter
13. 購買廉價商品
buy bargain goods
1. 它們是淺棕色的,看著有點廉價。
They are light brown and look kind of cheap.
2. 長期以來,\中國製造\讓人們想到了廉價、劣質的商品。
For a long time, \made in China\ made people think of cheap, low-quality goods.
3. 起初,他的小提琴很廉價,製作也很差,以至於他演奏不好。
In the beginning, his violin was so cheap and badly made that he could not play it well.
4. 無論是最便宜的廉價航空公司,還是世界最大的客運航空公司都存在這個現象。
It can be seen from the cheapest budget airlines to the world's largest carriers.
5. 市場上充斥著廉價塑膠製品。
There is an overflow of cheap plastic goods on the market.
6. 代替真貨的品質極差的廉價物品。
A vile Brummagem substitute for the genuine article.
7. 鐵路開創了廉價的大眾旅行時代。
The railways ushered in an era of cheap mass travel.
8. 在毫無裝飾的環境中的廉價快餐。
Cheap fast food in no-frills surroundings.
9. 他們到加萊把運貨車裝滿廉價啤酒。
They go to Calais to load up their transit vans with cheap beer.
10. 無誠信廠商製作的廉價套裝。
Cheap suits made by fly-by-night operators.
形詞 cheap; low-priced; inexpensive; budget
1. 廉價原料
cheap raw material
2. 廉價商品
cheap goods; bargain; distress merchandise
3. 廉價拋售
distress selling
4. 廉價勞動力
cheap labour
5. 廉價航班
budget flight
6. 廉價買進
buy cheap
7. 廉價出售
sell cheap; dispose of/sell at a low price; bargain away; sell at bargain rates
形詞 worthless; cheap
1. 廉價的眼淚
cheap tears